Here are the 5 best foods to fight fatigue

When daily stress becomes too overwhelming, fatigue tends to set in. To cope with these intense periods that put the body to the test, diet has a key role. Here’s what to prioritize on your plate.

green tea

Considered one of the healthiest drinks in the world, green tea provides not only caffeine but also antioxidants like EGCG, which protects the brain, heart and nervous system. Green tea is also excellent against diabetes.


Nutritionists recommend consuming about 30 g of oilseeds for breakfast. Hazelnuts, almonds, walnuts, cashews… They are all rich in fiber and thus improve digestion by regulating intestinal transit. Oilseeds also help fight cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and even certain cancers.


dark chocolate

Chocolate is arguably the best-known source of magnesium. To take full advantage of it, we will turn to chocolate with a high percentage of cocoa (70%). More bitter, it is also better endowed with magnesium. A small square, or even two, every day will therefore do the greatest good.

red fruits

Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackcurrants… All red fruits are rich in vitamin C which helps fight against fatigue. You can eat them fresh (respecting the seasons, it’s even better) with a little fromage blanc for example.


Eating eggs makes you feel full quickly. Their proteins will provide long-lasting energy. They also contain antioxidants and choline, essential for brain function.

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