Here is the percentage of success in the CEB tests this year, the lowest rate for 10 years

This is less than last year, when the pass rate was 88.32%. The success rate of 85.42% includes all 6th grade pupils who have obtained at least 50% of the points in each of the disciplines, French, mathematics and early learning (history-geography and science). It does not take into account pupils who have not succeeded but could nevertheless obtain their basic studies certificate after appeal or deliberation within the school.

By subject, the average obtained is 74.75% in French, 71.35% in mathematics and 73.04% in awakening. The general administration of education of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation therefore specifies that the least successful discipline is mathematics and that if the most successful discipline is French, the average French has dropped by 3.39% compared to compared to 2021.

The CEB, a common and simultaneous external test for all 6th primary students, as well as for students in the differentiated 1st degree of secondary and certain specialized students, was organized from June 16 to 21. The questionnaires are created by working groups with teachers, inspectors, representatives of the administration, etc., on the basis of the skills supposed to be mastered at the end of primary school.

The education administration observes that there had already been a drop (by 2 percentage points) in the overall pass rate between 2019 (90.49%) and 2021, the tests having been canceled in 2020 due to Covid. However, there is no visible trend: there was 85.5% success in 2017, then 90.63% the following year, for example

Our Evening colleagues nevertheless point out that this year’s success rate (85.42%) is the lowest for 10 years.

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