Here’s how to control your blood pressure naturally

Many people have problems with blood pressure.

The vast majority of them suffer from hypertension, that is, their blood pressure increases, but there are also people who suffer from hypotension, which lowers their blood pressure.

Either of these situations has negative effects on the organs, but especially on the heart.

However, here are five herbs that will help you control your blood pressure naturally.

It should be emphasized that before starting any type of treatment, even natural, you must first consult your doctor.

In addition, it is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women to follow this treatment.


The flowers of this plant have relaxing, anxiolytic and sedative properties, which help to reduce tension, especially in the event of stress.

Make an infusion (1 tablespoon per glass of water) and drink it 1 to 3 times a day with a little honey and lemon.

Olive Tree

The leaves of the olive tree contain active ingredients that dilate the arteries, which helps to reduce blood pressure.

It also has a mild cleansing effect on the liver and kidneys, that is, it is diuretic.

It is advisable to use a dry extract of 500 to 1,500 milligrams per day, spread over 3 doses maximum.

One can also make a decoction and take it three times a day.

the delights of the olive tree

the delights of the olive tree


The root is rich in glycyrrhizin, a substance that decreases the dilation of the arteries.

The root can be chewed or infused and taken once or twice a day.


It is one of the plants most used to lower hypertension, because the flavonoids it provides relax and protect the arterial walls.

It is advisable to make an infusion and take it three times a day, or take the extract (300 to 900 mg).

If you are taking blood pressure medication, consult your doctor first before taking this remedy.

virtues of hawthorn flowers (Crataegus spp.)

Green tea

The theine contained in green tea is a vasoconstrictor, which serves to increase blood pressure when it is too low. Drink an infusion of green tea with honey and lemon, 1 to 3 times a day.

The benefits of green tea to lose weight and be in shape

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