Hey Pictures :: Summer foods can lead to dangerously high blood sugar

Type 2 diabetes describes a chronic condition in which blood sugar levels rise to dangerous levels.

This rise occurs because the body is struggling to produce enough of a hormone called insulin, or because the hormone it makes isn’t working properly.

Due to this main mechanism, the level of glucose in the blood remains elevated. And what you eat can help or make matters worse, depending on the specific food.

And while hot weather may tempt us to consume more drinks, ice cream and grilled foods, Dr. Sarah Brewer warns that these summer foods may be taxing our blood sugar levels.

Ice cream

Being a staple in summer desserts, ice cream can be refreshing during the scorching heat, but it’s often full of sugar.

Dr. Brewer advises avoiding supermarket ice cream as it is full of sugar. “Make your own with low-calorie squash or diluted fruit juice and sweeten it with stevia (common name for sugary stevia plant extracts) if needed.”

alcoholic beverages

Dr. Brewer says: ‘When the weather gets warmer, all we want to do is cool off and relax, but it’s wise to find other ways to do this instead of drinking alcohol. When you have diabetes, drinking alcohol can cause your glucose levels to go up or down. “In your blood, depending on how much alcohol you drink, how much alcohol you drink and how fast and how many carbohydrates are in the drink. Beer and sweet wine can cause blood sugar levels to rise.”

That’s why the doctor’s advice says, “moderation is key.” She recommends drinking only when your blood sugar levels are well managed.

“Drink alcohol with food, drink slowly and avoid sugary drinks,” Dr. Brewer added.


Similar to ice cream, Dr. Brewer points out that you should check the labels on prepackaged foods for barbecue sauces in stores, saying: “Check the labels because they are often high in salt and sugar. For alternative flavors, use chopped fresh herbs, and sprinkle Smoked paprika, freshly ground black pepper, and lemon or lime juice Same goes for pre-cooked barbecue meats, sauces likely to contain high sugar, salt and less healthy cooking oils Soak them yourself with a little olive oil, fresh herbs and black pepper. And lemon juice.”

And while many summer snacks and foods can be a trap for blood sugar levels, one refreshing snack is allowed, which is fruit.

Dr. Brewer added: ‘Although fruit contains natural sugars, most have a low to medium glycemic index and do not raise blood sugar levels excessively. Don’t over-indulge in dried fruits.’

What are the symptoms of type 2 diabetes?

The main symptoms of type 2 diabetes include:

Urinating more than usual (especially at night)

Feeling thirsty all the time

Feeling very tired

Unintended weight loss

– slow wound healing

Blurred vision

Health experts advise seeing a GP if you have any of these symptoms or if you are concerned that you may be at greater risk of developing this condition.

Source: Express

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