Hip pain .. these are its causes | health

Video duration 01 minutes 24 seconds


German Dr. Martin Renew said that hip pain has several causes, including those related to the hip and bones, and others related to other diseases.

The German orthopedic doctor added that the causes of hip pain related to the hip and bones are the erosion of the hip joint, osteoporosis in the hip and atrophy of the hip bone, as well as accidents, injuries and fractures in the hip area.

As for the causes related to other diseases, they are represented in bacterial infections, pressure on the nerves, and diseases such as gout, diabetes and peripheral arterial disease.


Renew stressed the need to consult a doctor to determine the true underlying cause of hip pain and undergo timely treatment, which includes drug therapy (such as painkillers), surgery (such as fixation with plates, screws, artificial hip replacement) and physical therapy.

Hip joint pain can be prevented or troubled by doing strengthening and stretching exercises, such as the following two:

Bicycle exercise on the floor

One lies on one’s back on the floor and simulates the motion of cycling with one’s legs. This exercise works to warm up the thigh muscles. It is taken into account while performing this exercise that the spine is in good contact with the ground.

Floor sweeping stretching exercise

Stand with feet hip-width apart and a small towel under one foot, then move that foot outward, while the other foot remains slightly bent. After that, the foot is returned to the inside and the movement is repeated 15 times with each foot. This exercise helps to lengthen the hip muscles.

To achieve good results, you should do muscle strengthening and stretching exercises 2-3 times a week.

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