His song is said to be no longer performed by KotaK since 2011, Tobing’s post: Lo Bringin Bro, mess up the page all

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com– Former drummer KotaK, Tobing’s post Respond to KotaK’s clarification video regarding his song that KotaK is still singing without giving royalties for performance rights.

Responding to KotaK’s statement that he has stopped singing his songs since he left the band in 2011, Posan revealed a number of evidences of KotaK’s performances.

“You said that since 2011 I came out, ‘we almost never performed the song’ but you did it, I don’t know how many times you performed it,” said Posan, quoted from YouTube Aksen Entertainment.

Posan then showed two videos of KotaK’s appearance.

Read also: Tobing Post Collects Royalties, KotaK Reveals Song Composition

The first was during a concert in Cirebon in 2013 where they performed the song “Kerabat KotaK” and the other was their song “Cinta Do Not Go” which was performed by KotaK in 2019.

“Like that you said you almost never brought it?” said Posan.

“You bring it, Bro, don’t forget it. It’s people’s rights, people’s works, people’s sustenance. Say you don’t bring it, you’re screwed,” he continued.

He thought there would be more that he could find because of her YouTube.

Read also: Expressing Disappointment at Tantri KotaK, Posan Tobing: You Are Evil With Me

“Thank you for YouTubebecause there is YouTube all the documentation becomes clear,” said Posan.

As previously reported, KotaK in his clarification video said that since Posan came out in 2011, they have almost never sung Posan’s songs again.

“(Three songs) are purely Posan’s compositions, but yes, since 2011…” said Tantri then looked at Cella.

“2011 (Posan) decided to leave (the group). We almost never performed the song,” said Cella.

In his video, Posan also confirms that so far he has never confessed to all the songs he talked about and asked for royalties on performance right is his.

There are several songs that were created together, between him, Cella, Dewiq and Pay.

“I said that in all these works, I was involved in creating, some were even pure creations of mine, so don’t look for friends,” said Posan.

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