Home remedies to remove calluses and give feet a new life

modern life

One of the complications that arise from the effort and performance of the feet are the hard layers that form over time.


Calluses are a hard layer on some parts of the feet, mainly the heel and sole. On some occasions it can be painful, especially due to friction with footwear. Although they do not always affect, to prevent any discomfort, there are home remedies to treat them.

Apart from being annoying, uncomfortable and unsightly, they can cause ailments and put the bone structure at risk. That is why home and medical remedies are vital.

At a general level, the recommended solutions are the intake of certain medications, trimming excess skin by a professional, using templates or applying natural ingredients to the area. Mayo Clinic indicates that these layers should be treated by a health specialist, because there will be a professional diagnosis of the callus, This allows us to rule out other complications, such as warts or cysts.

Already with that starting point and with the respective callus diagnosis, the first recommendation is to use foot-friendly shoes, especially those with pads that protect the area. When the calluses are painful, the medical center will recommend the following treatments:

  • Trim Excess Skin: The doctor has the skills to reduce excess skin by means of a scalpel. This cannot be done on your own, because there is a risk of affecting the foot.
  • Medicinal patches: Patches containing 40% salicylic acid will also be suggested. These are not dependent on a medical prescription, but can be placed in the same consultation. The health specialist will be in charge of reporting the time to replace them. Also, it is suggested to file the thickened skin before putting them on.
  • Shoe insoles: If the excess skin comes from a deformation caused by the shoe, the health provider will take steps to order custom-made insoles, which must be padded.
  • Surgery: In extreme cases, surgical intervention will be necessary to remove the calluses, especially in situations when they are affecting bone alignment caused by friction.

Apart from medical treatments, there are other home treatments that can be carried out from home:

  • Soak the calluses in warm soapy water to soften them: This can make it easier to remove excess skin with a scalpel.
  • File thickened skin: Once the affected skin has softened, the callus is rubbed with a pumice stone or nail file. This action also removes the hardened area. However, sharp objects that can cut healthy skin should not be implemented.
  • Using callus templates: Using donut-shaped foam rubber insoles to protect the area where the affectation was formed is another home remedy to eliminate them. Keep in mind not to use over-the-counter liquids, because they contain salicylic acid, a compound that irritates healthy skin and causes an infection, especially for patients with diabetes or other complications that prevent normal blood flow.
  • Moisturize the skin: Frequently apply non-damaging creams or liquids, they also soften the area where the callus is concentrated.
  • Wear comfortable shoes and socks: Modifying the shoes, to ones that are more pleasant with the skin, helps reduce pain and mitigate calluses. In certain cases, when the affectation is not so great, just changing the footwear can be eliminated.

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