Horizon Forbidden West gets a new face paint in the colors of the LGBTQ+ flag

Guerrilla Games has released the patch 1.18 of Horizon Forbidden West in PS5 y PS4a new update which mostly consists of performance improvements and bug fixes. Plus, yes, it includes new content: a new type of face paint for Aloy called ‘Mark of Pride’ (‘mark of pride’, if we translate it literally into Spanish).

This new face paint is composed of the LGBTQ+ flag colors, with two parts of the classic rainbow flag on each side of the face topped by the blue, pink and white colors of the trans flag. As explained from Guerrilla Games in the official patch notesthis face paint has been added to “celebrate Pride”. the community of Horizon Forbidden West is already publishing photos with this new addition, as you can see in the tweet available below:

Other news from the update 1.18 de Horizon Forbidden West

In addition to the new face paint, patch 1.18 of Horizon Forbidden West It basically includes performance improvements and bug fixes. both in the main mission and in secondary and other parts of the game. Certain specific errors have also been fixed, such as the one that caused that when starting Horizon Forbidden West from a PS5 activity card to start a New Game + instead of the desired activity. Even so, it’s not a big upgrade like the previous one, which introduced VRR and 120 Hz support on PS5.

Horizon Forbidden West It has been available on PS5 and PS4 since February of this year, at which time we talked about the game to tell you about it in our analysis which is “an exemplary sequel that improves on everything from the original installment and takes Aloy’s adventures to a new level to bring us one of the best open world games to date“. If you want to immerse yourself in this new installment, we recommend you have our complete gua.

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