How Cutting Sugar Completely Transformed an Australian Woman’s Health in 2 Months

2023-06-17 08:01:18

An Australian woman cut sugar completely from her diet for two months, which led to positive and unexpected changes to her health in general.

Stephanie, 30, told Newsweek magazine: “I’ve been overeating chocolate, sweets, candy and prepared foods for a long time, and this had negative effects on my health that I wanted to reduce and change.”

What is refined sugar?

Refined sugar is manufactured by processing naturally occurring sugar such as corn and sugar cane and removing impurities, thus eliminating fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, and provides no nutritional value.

Refined sugar is added to various types of processed or prepared foods, baked goods, desserts, soft drinks and juice for various purposes, including flavor enhancement.

Stephanie said: “I lost about 5 kilos in two months, my skin became more fresh, I suffer from less inflammation, and my appetite decreased significantly.”

#Learn #benefits #eliminating #refined #sugar #physical #mental #health

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