How did the US-European bank collapse?

There may be various answers, but in my view, the roots come from religion and belief. leads to thirst “Power of the world

Those who crave and try to satisfy that thirst are “Jewish-Zionists”.

authority over the mechanism “United States – Europe” through the Organization of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) continuously since the era of World War I until today that’s it.

In the past, world power had two poles: liberal with socialist poles until the cold war

The capitalist pole “Soviet Union” collapsed, the world was left with only one pole, with the United States being the “hegemon”.

but not fully integrated according to the philosophy “One power to rule the world,” which the Jews – Zionists. want every country in the world

“Abandoning sovereignty” is just one state.

then each state is combined under “One government” in terms of economy, politics, religion, resources, including the army.

This is the CFR’s “New World Order” driven by the US.

Every country in the world is under the “Government of the World”.

By “United States-Europe” as a “hegemon” under the thumb of the CFR or “Jew-Zionist” command!

If the sky doesn’t send “Putin” down to Russia and “Xi Jinping” comes to China to act as a “counterbalance of world power”

I think the “New World Order” plan is already done!


Because 2 main factors in controlling the world already in the hands of the United States are

– Oil = Petrodollar energy to drive the global economy

– Computer = IT technology drive-control the world

When Putin and Xi are “Two Stubborn Friends”……….

one power plan to rule the world of “Jews-Zionists” stumbled, not stones and gravel, but whole “mountains”.

Today, “China-Russia”, if told, these are 2 friends who have risen to the United States as the “second power” of the world, it’s not wrong!

China-Russia ‘seal’ adopts snail’s passage plan

Evade the hit, but don’t back down.

Gradually build new power poles, trade, finance, economy, build alliances with nations indefinitely.

So far almost half of Europe, Latin America, Eurasia, Asia, Middle East, Africa.

US yoke salad…….

group together as an alliance with “China-Russia” a new power structure US-European power pole

The turning point that I must say is that this is a “changing world” that must be kept an eye on because it has a concrete “breaking” effect in the near future.

Everyone knows – the world knows one world power The US has “Oil”, the Saudis are the pillars that prop up the US Dollar to be “God” in the name of “Petrodollar”.

But when 8-9 days ago

God’s prop “fallen”!!!

Xi Jinping, the playmaker in the game of world power stun the world By acting as a glue

Invite Saudi Arabia and Iran to join hands in Beijing, from “perpetual enemy” to “eternal friend” to each other, “shocking the world”.

“Sunni-Shia” of the Arab Muslim world

“unified as one”

Seal the alliance with “China-Russia” as a leader, equal to the United States, now it is “Dan Duan”, the legs are missing by default!

I have to say that this program is “Jews” thinking so hard that the urine is yellow.

Now “more than half of the world” goes to join the “China-Russia” polarity, both full-half. The United States is almost never left with a “hegemony” state.

and who now that came to be “New Power Pole”?

must be given to the President “Xi Jinping”, the deepest of the Yangtze Kiang with President “Putin”, the great fighter of the plains

Putin invades

Color Negotiation – Gather!

When “Bu and Bun” together within 20 years from now, in addition to the plan “One power to rule the world” will collapse

The United States and Europe will lose their position. “New World Power” for “China-Russia” too!

Today, what is called “USA-Europe” technology and “China” does not?

On the contrary, in some cases China is even “advanced” than the United States.

In the “Ukraine-Russian” war, the United States is no different from “temple gangsters”, only form the gang leader. encourage subordinates to fight As for the older brother, sit and wiggle his feet. keep the queue head

What is the result? 10 crowds 1 Europe – subordinates split their faces, tear their mouths, shout, shout, plus Ukraine in 4 cities of strategic land and resources.

Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhia It’s all Russian.

For the rest, it is still difficult to cultivate salt farms.

Therefore, there is no need for the Russians to be exhausted to hold on!

Therefore, the day before yesterday, we will hear the news that Xi Jinping acted as a glue, talking to “Zelensky” about the peace plan.

“Peace – end” is this better or do you want to lose the whole country to Russia, think about it?

There should be an answer Because yesterday (17 March)

Russia says President Xi Jinping will meet President Putin in Moscow.

The “Ukrainian War” should be over.

and the end of this will make the United States “hurt for a long time”

Half of Europe almost nothing left a new world order towards being “One power rules the world” to not collapse But this game can tell.

“Jewish-Zionist” failed!

Talking for a long time, some of you may wonder. So what is it about US-European banks failing?

Not at all, as we’ve talked about before. The Federal Reserve is the Fed, the IMF, the World Bank, the United Nations, the big industries of the world, including oil, airlines, financial institutions, etc. Even pumping paper into dollars.

is a business in power “Jewish-Zionist” by CFR powered through “U.S. Government”, both Democrats and Republicans

Print money by yourself. How can the bank fail?

Banks do not live directly with money. But living with the “faith” of the villagers of businesses, companies, shops that bring money to deposit Let’s do financial transactions through banks.

When depositors have “not believed” in that bank from going to boycott Russia In addition, stubbornly confiscating the deposited Russian money, people were afraid, so they lined up to parade and withdraw all month and year.

and must know Russian millionaires depositing money in Switzerland-Europe It’s not just hundreds – just thousands. but there are tens of thousands of transactions

Even if the Fed comes to hire me to print additionally There is no way to print it in time. Anyway, it’s ruined and believe me, the more the National Bank goes in to carry it. The more will increase the number of bankruptcy.

You can play anything, don’t play with people’s “beliefs”. If they are suspicious, especially about money, then it’s me, I would like to withdraw first.

and here……..

Saudi Arabia agrees to become an ally with China The next day, withdraw 10% of the Swiss bank’s shares. The only cushion is a sample movie.

So do you think the Arab Muslim world? Will not parade with the deposited by the US-European bank?

The bank accepts a lot of deposits. Wherever you want to take them, buy long-term US bonds at low interest, while new bonds are now as high as impish.
when people withdraw money Banks then have to sell old bonds at a loss to pay for the money.

This fable teaches us that the United States of America “the more you wriggle-the more you’ll go broke”.

The last death punch left……

Play a gangster role, get rid of the “paper dollar” system, use the “digital money” system instead, do not be tired of typing.

As much as you want, just press the number!

Saturday at the end of the alley

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