How is the ‘Jinnah House’ of May 9, 2023 now? – Pakistan

After the arrest of PTI founder Imran Khan on May 9 last year, rioters across the country damaged public property and military installations, including Jinnah House, which was used as the residence of Corps Commander Lahore. On May 9, following one year has passed, the current status of Jinnah House is unknown

Jinnah House in Lahore was severely damaged by miscreants. According to a survey, the renovation work of Jinnah House might not be started till now, however Quaid Gallery has been established in a part of it.

In this gallery, various aspects of Quaid-e-Azam’s life are highlighted through pictures and videos.

According to the survey, even following the reconstruction, Jinnah House will be used as the residence of Corps Commander Lahore, while the cost of complete restoration has been estimated, but the work has not been started yet.

Jinnah House was owned by Quaid-e-Azam. There were also many of his personal belongings, including books, a piano and furniture. Quaid Gallery has been established to preserve all these things.

It was said that this gallery will be inaugurated on May 9, 2024, but so far there are no signs of arrangements in this regard. Nothing has been said in this regard at the government level.