How many triangles are there in this picture?

Can you guess how many triangles are actually present in this image? This photo gives a lot of trouble. Although the drawing is seemingly simple, it turns out to be a real challenge for those trying to solve the test.

Visual challenge image – Source: spm

Can you guess how many triangles are actually in this picture?

The drawing looks very easy to decipher, but the answer is actually more complex than you might think. Many have tried to solve this challenge which has gone viral on the web, but not all have given the correct solution. Although the results returned by Internet users varied from 4 to 44 triangles, none gave the exact solution.

To help Internet users, mathematician Martin Silvertant has created a diagram that better explains how to correctly calculate the number of triangles.

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Visual Challenge Response

Visual challenge answer – Source: spm

Thus, there are 24 triangles in the main drawing, and one more, the latter appears in the artist’s signature, in the letter A. Therefore, the correct answer to the question: “how many are there?” there any triangles in the picture? is 25 triangles.

The shortest IQ test, in just three questions

There are many IQ tests that aim to exercise your mind, most of them very complex. However, this one only has three questions. The test is as short as it is effective because its ultimate goal is to analyze people’s ability to penetrate deeply into the details of a more difficult problem than it seems at first glance. Here are the three test questions:

Read also: Only the smartest people will be able to figure out the number of triangles in the picture – can you see them?

  1. A ball and racket together cost 11 euros. The racket costs 1 euro more than the ball. How much does the balloon alone cost in this case?
  2. We have 5 machines that take 5 minutes to produce 5 items, how long will it take 100 machines to produce 100 items?
  3. On a lake, there is an area with water lilies. Every day, this area doubles in size. If it takes them 48 days to fill the whole lake, how long will it take for the water lilies to cover half the lake?

Here are the correct answers:

  • The balloon costs 5 euros.
  • It would take 100 machines 5 minutes to produce 100 objects.
  • Water lilies would cover half the lake in 47 days.

The intelligence test was applied to 3,500 people. Of these, 33% got all three answers wrong, and 83% of respondents got at least one question wrong, and 48% of students who took the survey answered all three questions.

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