How much storage space should I buy for a new iPhone?Apple’s official advice – Free e-Newsletter 3C Technology

(Photo/Photo by reporter Huang Zhaoxiang)
Apple iPhone has a variety of storage space options. For example, the iPhone 13 starts from 128GB, while the iPhone SE starts from 64GB, but if you want to buy the largest storage space, there are also versions up to 1TB to choose from, so which one should users choose? Which option is best for you?

In a recent instructional video released by “Apple Support”, Apple officials gave suggestions. You can first check how much capacity your iPhone is currently using. The query location is in Settings → General → iPhone Storage. In the same block, you can also see which content occupies your mobile phone space, including apps, photos, videos, emails, etc.

Apple also suggested that if there is still a lot of space, you can choose the existing space for the next mobile phone, but if it is full, it is recommended to buy a larger capacity later. However, Apple doesn’t recommend buying less storage than the current model.

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Apple also reminds that in terms of iOS 15, the system configuration of a standard iPhone device will take up 12 to 15GB of space, including necessary system functions and various Apple native apps that can be deleted. It takes up 4.5GB of space, which can be used as a reference for users who only want to choose the entry-level 64GB version of the iPhone.

In the iPad part, Apple suggests that it can reserve space for the future to meet future needs. At present, except for the iPad Pro, the other entry-level iPad models only provide 64GB of storage space.

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