How to get started for better health

2023-10-04 17:13:39

The health benefits of running

Running is a physical activity accessible to everyone and has many health benefits. Whether you are a beginner or experienced, here are some reasons to start running:

Improved cardiovascular fitness

One of the main benefits of running is improved cardiovascular fitness. By running regularly, you exercise your cardio-respiratory system, which helps strengthen your heart and increase your lung capacity. Better cardiovascular fitness helps you breathe better and deliver oxygen to your muscles, which helps them work more efficiently.

Strengthening muscles and bones

Running is an activity that uses all of the muscles in your body, particularly the muscles of your legs, glutes and core. By running, you strengthen these muscles and gradually tone them. Additionally, running is also great for strengthening bones and preventing osteoporosis. Indeed, the force exerted on the bones during running stimulates the production of bone cells, which contributes to good bone density.

Increased stamina

Regular running helps increase your endurance. Your ability to sustain prolonged physical exertion improves, allowing you to feel less tired during your daily activities. Additionally, better endurance helps you better handle intense efforts, such as sprinting or climbing stairs.

Reduced stress and anxiety

Running is a great activity to relax and clear your mind. When running, your brain releases endorphins, happy hormones, which provide a feeling of well-being and relaxation. Running is therefore an excellent way to reduce stress, anxiety and fight depression.

Promotes weight loss

Running is one of the most effective physical activities for burning calories and promoting weight loss. When running, you use many muscles, which increases your metabolism and allows you to burn more fat. Additionally, running is a great way to improve your overall fitness, making it easier to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight.

How to start running safely

Do a health check before you start

Before you start running, it is important to have a health check-up with a health professional. He will be able to assess your physical condition and check that you do not have any contraindications to running. This assessment will allow you to ensure that you can practice running safely.

Choosing the Right Running Shoes

Running shoes are essential equipment for running. They must be adapted to your body shape and your stride type. Opt for quality shoes, which offer good cushioning and good foot support. Unsuitable shoes can lead to pain and injury, so it is important to choose them carefully.

Establish a progressive training plan

It is essential to start running gradually. Don’t try to go too fast or do too much in the first few sessions. Establish a progressive training plan, alternating periods of running and walking, and gradually increasing the duration and intensity of your sessions. This will allow your body to gradually adapt to the effort and prevent injuries.

Warm up before each running session

Before each running session, take the time to warm up. Warming up helps prepare your body for exercise and reduces the risk of injury. Start with a few loosening movements, followed by a light jog or a few minutes of brisk walking. You can also perform dynamic exercises, such as knee raises or heel-butt raises.

Respect rest and recovery periods

Recovery is an essential step in running. After each session, allow yourself periods of rest to allow your body to recover. It is recommended to leave 48 hours of rest between each intense session. During these periods of rest, choose gentle activities, such as walking or yoga. This will allow your muscles to recover and strengthen.

Mistakes to avoid when starting running

Don’t neglect warming up and stretching

Warming up and stretching are important steps in running. They help prepare your body for exercise and reduce the risk of injury. Don’t neglect these steps and take the time to do them before and after each running session.

Don’t want to go too fast, too soon

It is common to want to progress quickly when you start running. However, it is important to respect your limits and go gradually. Don’t try to go too fast or do too much in the first few sessions. Respect your pace and listen to your body.

Do not ignore signals of pain or fatigue

Your body is your best indicator. If you experience pain or severe fatigue, don’t ignore these signals. It is important to take care of your body and not force it when you feel the need. Do not hesitate to consult a health professional if in doubt.

Don’t neglect the importance of nutrition and hydration

Nutrition and hydration play an essential role in running. Make sure you eat a balanced diet that provides you with the nutrients you need for your sport. Hydrate regularly, before, during and after exercise, to avoid the risk of dehydration.

Don’t forget to vary the running areas

By always running on the same terrain, you risk always using the same muscles and getting tired quickly. Consider varying the running terrain, for example alternating between the road, dirt paths or cycle paths. This will allow you to use different muscles and make your running sessions more varied and motivating.


Running is a great way to improve your overall health. By running regularly, you benefit from many benefits, such as improving your cardiovascular fitness, strengthening your muscles and bones, and reducing stress and anxiety. To start running safely, remember to do a health check, choose the right running shoes, establish a progressive training plan, warm up before each session and respect the rest and recovery periods. recovery. Avoid common mistakes, such as neglecting warm-up and stretching, going too fast too soon, ignoring signals of pain or fatigue, neglecting the importance of nutrition and hydration, and not varying terrain race. Always consult a healthcare professional before beginning any intensive training program. Happy racing everyone!

#started #health

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