How to improve the mental and emotional well-being of everyone in the office? |

The last few years have not been easy, according to a survey by The Standard, carried out during the Covid-19 pandemic, close to half of workers admitted to having problems with their mental health. No one is immune to such challenges; Some leaders tend to prioritize the health of a company over their own well-being, but the truth is that a company cannot prosper if its leaders are not physically and psychologically sound.

That is why we share two key practices, as published by Entrepreneur, that prevent it from declining and affecting the business: being transparent and taking ownership.

Transparency: the good, the bad and the ugly

It is a natural instinct to share only the good news and leave out the bad. A quick tour of social media will be a testament to that, we see this at work too. Stories abound of exciting startups where everything seems to be going perfectly.

As leaders, it’s important to be transparent with team members and investors about the good and the bad. Not only is his lack unfair to the people he works with, it also isolates him as a leader, making it more difficult to ask for help. By freely sharing circumstances, you build trust with a team and give yourself the opportunity to learn from each other and identify creative solutions.

Take ownership of mistakes

The second key to maintaining good mental health as a leader is taking charge. When things go wrong, we often want to point the finger at someone else. However, successful leaders are those who take responsibility.

To move forward, you have to look at the mistakes and recognize them. By doing so, you can see the importance of hiring people with integrity and who inspire others to work hard.

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