How to Keep Your Fingernails Clean and Healthy: Tips and Prevention

2024-02-03 05:00:00

Fatima Khalil wrote Saturday, February 3, 2024 07:00 AM

Scientific research has confirmed that Fingernails It is home to 32 different types of bacteria and 28 types of fungi under the nails. In this report, we learn about how to keep fingernails clean and prevent infections and diseases that they cause, according to the “Times of India” website.

Ways to keep fingernails clean and prevent infection

Maintaining healthy nails requires a combination of good hygiene, a balanced diet, and proper nail care practices.

Your diet plays a role in keeping your nails healthy

Nutrition plays a vital role in promoting healthy nails. Make sure your diet includes essential nutrients such as biotin and vitamins A, C, D, and E, in addition to minerals such as iron and zinc.

These nutrients support overall nail health and can be found in foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and nuts.

– If you are having difficulty getting enough essential nutrients from your diet, consider taking nutritional supplements after consulting a healthcare professional.

Biotin supplements, in particular, support nail health, but it is essential to ensure that you do not exceed the recommended daily doses of any nutrient.

A proper diet also includes water. Proper hydration is crucial for healthy nails.

Drinking enough water helps keep nails hydrated, preventing them from becoming brittle and prone to breakage.

-Drink at least eight glasses of water daily to keep your nails and skin well hydrated. Treat your nails carefully to prevent damage.

-Use gentle nail clippers to cut them straight, then round the ends into a gentle curve.

-Avoid cutting too close to the skin or trimming the skin excessively, as this may lead to infection.

– File your nails in one direction to prevent splitting and weakness.

-Repeated exposure to water, especially prolonged immersion, can weaken nails.

Dry your hands well after washing them, and consider wearing gloves while doing housework or using harsh cleaning chemicals.

-Keeping your nails clean helps prevent bacterial or fungal infections.

-Keep nails moisturized to prevent dryness, as this reduces the risk of splits and cracks.

-Use a moisturizer that contains ingredients such as shea butter, vitamin E, or jojoba oil to nourish the nails and surrounding skin.

-Repeated exposure to harsh chemicals and excess cold can weaken nails.

-If you enjoy using nail polish, choose high-quality, chemical-free polishes to reduce the risk of nail damage.

-Allow your nails to breathe periodically by leaving them polish-free for a few days.

Pay attention to the subtle signs of nail infection

Pay attention to changes in your nails, as they can be indicators of underlying health problems.

Discoloration, changes in thickness, or abnormalities in the shape of the nail may indicate potential health concerns.

#Fingernails #home #types #bacteria. #clean

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