How to recalibrate your phone battery?

2024-03-19 20:13:39

As you charge and discharge your device, the battery may degrade and Android does not take this into account in its estimate of the remaining battery. It is then necessary to recalibrate or calibrate the battery to obtain a more accurate estimate of the level still available. Here are the different steps to follow, on a Samsung, Honor, Apple, Xiaomi or other smartphone.

What is recalibration?

It is possible that over time, a battery loses its charging capacity. This is a common wear phenomenon that is caused by several factors, but is mainly due to poor battery maintenance.

It is not uncommon in this case to see that your phone no longer wants to charge beyond a certain percentage, or that it turns off even though the phone indicates that there are still a few battery points left. This means that the system is not calibrated to the current battery capacity. There is a way to recalibrate everything to get a more accurate indication of its remaining capacity.

However, you should be aware that there is no miracle solution. The battery may find itself calibrated as required after handling, but the result is unfortunately not guaranteed. In addition, if the battery has lost an amount equal to or greater than 20% of its capacity, then it is too damaged, and it is better to change the battery… or even the phone.

Unfortunately, there is no single method for recalibrating a battery. Apple and Samsung have very different techniques from those below, so it is advisable to inquire about specific models.

  • Discharge the phone completely, until it turns off. Try turning it back on, and letting it turn off to make sure it’s really out of battery.
  • Without turning your device back on, plug it into a power outlet and let it charge again two o’clock after its full charge.
  • Unplug your phone and start it. If it does not show 100%, then the battery is not calibrated. Plug your phone back in and let it reach 100%. Once this level is reached, restart your phone. Repeat this step until the phone shows 100% on startup.
  • Congratulations, your phone is now (normally) calibrated to the actual battery capacity.
  • Is battery recalibration really useful?

    Battery recalibration can be helpful in some cases, such as when the battery level indicator displays incorrect information or when battery performance degrades significantly. However, it is not a silver bullet to solve all battery-related problems.

    It is important to note that battery recalibration does not restore battery capacity to its original level. Normal battery wear and tear results in a gradual loss of capacity, and recalibration cannot reverse this process.

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    #recalibrate #phone #battery

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