How to Recognize and Treat Pre-Diabetes: Preventing the Onset of Diabetes and its Complications

2023-06-23 18:09:42
Before the vision becomes clear and the treatment of a person begins as if he is already ill with diabetes, it extends for a period of time that differs, of course, from one person to another, but in any case it is considered as an introduction that can be monitored and paid attention to its development and an attempt to treat it in a timely manner, which may protect a person from the repercussions of diabetes that affect everyone. Human organs and carry the risk of possibly heart attacks or strokes.

The pre-diabetes stage or the gray stage in which symptoms do not appear in a remarkable way is that stage in which the level of glucose in the blood increases, but it does not reach the stage that actually records human infection, and with it it is possible to confirm that the disease has become a reality in the sick person’s record.

Most people tend to ignore the facts of that period, especially the elderly, perhaps because they are not aware of its importance, perhaps also due to the absence of symptoms, but the reality is that it is a very important period during which health risks can also occur, and this is the most important thing that a person can escape from the trap of diabetes and suffering from it for the rest of his life.

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When you eat your food, the body analyzes carbohydrates into the simplest and most important unit of sugars: glucose, which circulates with the blood stream in the arteries and is the primary energy unit that is involved in almost all vital body processes. At the same time, the pancreas produces a hormone that is directly related to glucose. This hormone, known as “insulin,” regulates the movement of glucose between the arteries and tissues. It knocks on the doors of the cells to allow glucose to enter them, so its rate in the arteries decreases or does not allow, so it remains in its circulation with the blood, recording a rise that can, of course, be monitored from a simple blood analysis throughout the day.
So diabetes appears if cells resist insulin signals, then the human body begins to face a problem of a special kind, as it is now relatively unable to use glucose to obtain energy, and cells resist the action of insulin and its impact, which forces the pancreas to double its effort in producing more insulin hormone. Over time, the ability of the pancreas to produce enough to overcome the resistance of the cells decreases, so the sugar accumulates in the blood, revealing constantly higher numbers. It was with medication or insulin injections.
The importance of the periodic checks that a person must resort to in order to reveal danger harbingers that can clearly indicate the possibilities of contracting the disease later, whatever it is, diabetes.
Periodic checks, including detecting the level of glucose in the blood, monitor that gray stage in the history of diabetes, which determines the course of the following events. Remediation of the matter depends on paying attention to three factors that can be discussed with your doctor:

< الوزن: إذا ما كنت تعانى من زيادة ما فى الوزن أيا كانت يجب التخلص منها والعودة إلى الوزن الصحى الذى يضمن لك السلامة.
It must be done in a smooth way to ensure that you do not regain the weight that you lost. Let it be at the beginning, targeting five kilograms to what has been achieved. You can target another five kilograms without having to follow special or harsh diets.
< النظام الغذائى: لا يستدعى الأمر فى تلك المرحلة أن نتبع نظاما غذائيا يلزمك بالضرورة بالابتعاد عن كل ما قد تحب أو تشتهى من ألوان الطعام فالحرمان قد يفسد عليك الأمر.
Reduce the intake of simple carbohydrates such as bread, pasta, rice, potatoes and all drinks containing amounts of sugar such as juices and soft drinks, as these substances are quickly digested so that sugar begins to descend into the blood quickly and in quantities that record a rise in the level of glucose in the blood quickly as well, which is contrary to what is imagined to increase From a person’s desire to ask for more sugar, which ends up with unwanted weight gain.
Replace simple carbohydrates with complex ones such as those found in whole grains, beans and lentils. Also, take care of the amount of fiber in your food because it slows down the absorption of glucose and contributes to the required balance in its presence between blood and cells. It also gives you a sense of satiety without interfering with weight gain, as the fibers are not digested and therefore not absorbed. Rather, they help digestion and facilitate it, so that it can then leave the body as it entered it, without any significant change.
< النشاط البدنى: من أفضل ما تقدمه لجسدك من فائدة حرصك على الحركة والالتزام ببعض التمارين الرياضية البسيطة إلى جانب الحرص على المشى بانتظام. نصف ساعة من الحركة على مدار الأسبوع لخمس مرات بالفعل ذات فائدة عظيمة ليس فقط لصحة البدن وسلامته إنما أيضا لصحة النفس. بها تحافظ على وزن صحى وتدفع إلى أطرافك دورة دموية نشطة وتضمن سلامة عضلاتك وليونتها إلى جانب ما تشعر به من راحة نفسية تدفعك لنوم عميق. إلى جانب مساهمتها فى إقامة التوازن المطلوب بين السكر فى الدم والسكر فى الخلايا اللازم دائما لتوفير الطاقة المطلوبة لكل العمليات الحيوية التى تقوم بها.
<< إذا ما تم تشخيصك فى مرحلة ما قبل السكر فأنت بالفعل محظوظ صحيا فتلك هى المرحلة التى يمكنك فيها التدخل للوقاية بصورة إيجابية من تداعيات كثيرة قد تهدد حياتك.
Doing some blood analysis is required at that stage, from which it is inferred from the indicators that depend on it in following up your conditions accurately:
1- Glycated hemoglobin test: This is a blood sample in which the hemoglobin in the red blood cells indicates the level of sugar in the blood during the past three months (the average age of the red blood cells). It is one of the very important tests that depend on it in diagnosis and follow-up.
It is a simple test that does not require any preparations and does not require fasting or conditional breakfast.
2- Oral plasma tolerance test: determination of the glucose level in blood plasma after eight hours of fasting.
Then test how the body manages to take some of the sugary solution afterward to see how it goes.
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As defined by the American Diabetes Association, pre-diabetes is suspected if the following are recorded:
Glycated hemoglobin: between 5.7 and 6.4, while the fasting blood sugar test records between 100 – – 125 mg / deciliter.
Or a plasma glucose level of 140-199 mg/dl during an oral glucose tolerance test.
The pre-diabetes stage is a very important stage that can be monitored if a person is really interested in recording the facts of his health file on a regular basis.

#Harvard #Reports #sugar. #gray #phase

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