How to Stop Snoring Permanently: 7 Effective Tips

If you’re having trouble getting to sleep because of your incessant snoring, you know why it’s important to get rid of that noise that camouflages the sound of a drill. Fortunately, there are simple and effective ways to permanently stop snoring. Find out how to get a peaceful, snore-free night’s sleep with these 7 simple tips!

Causes of snoring

Snoring is an annoying noise that occurs during sleep and the main cause of which is the obstruction of the airways. Over 45% of adults are occasional snorers and 25% regular snorers.

Anatomy and physiology

Anatomy and physiology can be the cause of snoring, as certain factors such as the size of the nose, the shape of the nasal cavities or too large tonsils cause an obstruction in the airway. The tongue can also move during sleep and block the throat, resulting in an unsightly noise.

Environmental factors

Allergens present in the air such as pollens, molds or mites can cause nasal obstruction and therefore respiratory problems. Environmental irritants such as cigarette smoke, automobile pollution or even household chemicals can also cause nasal congestion which greatly increases the chances of producing an unsightly noise during sleep.

Health-related factors

Some sleep disorders such as sleep apnea or obstructive apnea-hypopnea syndrome are due to the relaxation of the throat muscles and cause a decrease in the opening of the throat which prevents the arrival of air and causes difficult, noisy and sometimes painful breathing. These symptoms can seriously affect the quality of sleep and it is recommended to consult a doctor if you suffer from a sleep disorder.

What are the remedies to stop snoring?

There are several solutions to stop snoring, including natural remedies, anti-snoring accessories, drugs or surgery.

Natural remedies

Exercises (such as the Ujjayi exercise) can help prevent snoring as they stimulate the neck muscles and create a feeling of relaxation in the sleeper. This method helps to easily find its optimal position for sleep without resorting to pharmacological or surgical treatments.

Changes related to lifestyle may be necessary to no longer hear these nocturnal noise nuisances. For example, avoid smoking and limit alcohol consumption as these substances increase the risk of snoring and disturb sleep.

Anti-snoring accessories

There are accessories available in pharmacies or on the internet that are designed to help stop snoring. These products open airways blocked by soft tissue or other nasal obstructions. Braces support the lower jaw during sleep and properly align the airways, significantly reducing snoring symptoms.


Some medications containing decongestants may be helpful in relieving snoring symptoms. These medications can help relieve nasal congestion, making it easier to breathe without resorting to strenuous surgical procedures.


In severe cases, surgery is recommended to reduce the risk of causing unsightly noise while you sleep. The surgery usually involves removing some dormant muscle tissue such as the palatine tonsil, the soft palate, or a small piece of bone at the back of the mouth to open up the blocked airways.

Home remedies to stop snoring

In addition to medical and surgical treatments, there are some simple remedies that can be tried at home to stop snoring:

  • Changing your position while you sleep: Sleeping on your side is generally advised as it helps reduce pressure on the throat by restoring the free passage of air.
  • Massage your neck: The massage makes it possible to soften the tense muscles of the neck and thus to significantly improve night breathing.
  • Use a humidifier: Using a humidifier can help relieve the symptoms of snoring because the humidity will help keep the nasal mucosa healthy and therefore improve the passage of air.

Tips to improve sleep quality

A good diet and regular physical activity are recommended to improve sleep quality and relieve symptoms related to snoring. Also try to go to bed at the same time every night to keep a regular sleep schedule, which will help improve your ability to fall asleep quickly and sleep better at night.

Faced with this problem of snoring, it is important to realize that in most cases, there are solutions to get rid of it. You can start with more or less effective natural remedies such as medicinal plants or appropriate food, then adopt an anti-snoring accessory and/or take medication if necessary. After trying these different solutions without success, surgery may be considered. With a healthy lifestyle and some simple measures to put in place, you can say goodbye to nights disturbed by snoring thanks to a peaceful and restorative sleep.

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