How to tell the difference between infection with Omicron and a cold?Physician: There are different ways to cough with a cough

[NOW Health Ye Libin/Taipei Report]Recently, local confirmed cases have repeatedly hit new highs, and the COVID-19 epidemic has entered an epidemic mode dominated by Omicron. However, as we all know, Omicron mainly focuses on mild symptoms, and the current mild disease rate remains at a high of 99%, and only a few people have symptoms of pneumonia; but many people may mistake it for a small cold. If I have symptoms, should I think it’s Omicron or just a common cold? The doctor said that the common symptoms of Omicron are sore throat, cough and runny nose; but “cough” is slightly different from a common cold.

Omicron’s Rare Taste Loss Still Traces

Qiu Yuxun, an otolaryngologist at Xinguang Hospital, said that in the early stage of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the “old viruses” such as Alpha and Delta that were popular in the early days, most of the following respiratory symptoms were the main symptoms, among which “loss of smell and taste” and “fever” were the main judgments. guidelines. But people diagnosed with Omicron rarely hear symptoms of smell-taste disorders, making the diagnosis a little more difficult. But there are still traces to follow.

Flu Common Muscle Soreness Omicron Not the Same as Cold Cough

Now doctors will help patients to use quick home screening to confirm whether they are infected with Omicron, depending on the symptoms. However, most people can still judge from the symptoms and don’t need to panic. Dr. Qiu Yuxun said that most common colds are cough, and Omicron is also mostly upper respiratory tract symptoms. The common symptoms are sore throat and cough, followed by runny nose; the common symptom in children is fever. However, the conditions of coughing are slightly different: Omicron’s cough is mostly dry, long and violent; cold symptoms are mostly wet cough with phlegm, and usually short, intermittent coughs, “as we occasionally have I feel a little itchy in my throat, the feeling of clearing my throat.”

Common cold symptoms are cough, less fever and diarrhea; on the other hand, flu symptoms are common with fever and muscle aches. Before the outbreak, doctors heard common symptoms such as muscle aches and fever, and would conduct screening for final confirmation. “If the screening test is negative, the general cold medicine will be given first; but if the symptoms persist and the screening test is negative, the influenza medicine will still be given. After all, false negatives are also possible.”

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