How to view the profiles you interacted with the least on Instagram

2024-02-12 10:30:00

O Instagram It is used daily by millions of people around the world. Therefore, many people end up following different users/accounts that. But the fact is that we end up not having as many interactions with some of these accounts compared to many closer friends/followers.

Therefore, the Meta network allows you to view which accounts you have had the least interactions with in the last 90 days — which includes likes on publications or reactions in Stories.

Here’s how to visualize it! ????

With the app open on your iPhone, tap your profile tab (in the bottom right corner) and select “Following”, next to your photo. Then, choose “Who had the least interactions with” so that the list is displayed.

If you wish, you can take some measures from this screen, such as unfollowing profiles, managing notifications or muting publications/notes/Stories from the account.

via Digital Look

#view #profiles #interacted #Instagram

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