Human papillomavirus: Sufferers about their infection: “I had never heard of HPV before”

* Name has been changed by editors

“I’ve always been cautious about my sex life and of course I was informed about sexually transmitted diseases, but up until then I had never heard of HPV let alone a vaccine,” says Marie*. Three years ago, the 28-year-old with the human papillomavirus (HPV) infected. “Even my closest friends had never heard of it.”

Many people feel the same way as Marie: Although almost everyone in Austria goes through an HPV infection at some point – men as well as women – many do not know what HPV actually is. The abbreviation HPV stands for Humane Papillomaviren, which can trigger numerous diseases: first and foremost cervical cancer, but also cancer of the penis, anus, vulva, larynx or throat. The viruses are transmitted through direct mucosal contact, especially during sex. Contact with the virus is rarely avoidable: about 80 percent of all men and women will become infected with genital HPV at some point in their lives. While most HPV infections clear up unnoticed, those that persist are problematic. Like Marie for example.

HPV: Affected reported

“My problems with HPV started three years ago,” says the young woman. At a normal check-up appointment with her gynecologist, it turns out that she has a changed pap smear.

Marie remembers: “I felt very overwhelmed.” Also because at the time she didn’t really know what HPV actually means. Only a short time after she found out about the changed PAP smear, appear in her genital area genital warts (condylomas). The young woman is eventually tested for HPV. The result: she was infected with three types of HPV, one of which is a high-risk guy. There are over 100 different types of HPV in total.

“I was at my wits end”

Once diagnosed, Marie quickly undergoes treatment. The genital warts are removed, and then she has to apply a highly irritating ointment to herself for months. “It helped very quickly against the condylomas. At the same time, my vaginal flora was severely affected, so that I regularly fungal infections had to fight.” The young woman doesn’t like to think back to this time, which took a lot out of her mentally: “To be honest, I was pretty much on my nerves. I no longer felt comfortable in my own skin, and it also put a lot of strain on my relationship.”

Because her HPV infection won’t go away on its own, Marie seeks further treatments. One Biopsy results in a precancerous stage. In the spring, the young woman therefore undergoes a so-called Trichloroacetic acid treatment. This is a therapy to treat tissue changes – an alternative therapy to a conization, in which a small part of the lower cervix is ​​removed.

Marie’s PAP and HPV status will be determined again in the autumn: “I hope it’s over now and I no longer have to live with the constant fear of cervical cancer. I’m still struggling with extreme insecurity and have the smallest Discomfort in the intimate area immediately fears a new infection or disease.”

Subsequent vaccination

Marie has them HPV vaccination made up for in the meantime. Because she is already an adult, three partial vaccinations are necessary. In total, these beat her with more than 600 Euro to book (editor’s note: costs vary by state). Despite the pre-infection, her health insurance does not cover any costs: “I had to pay for it entirely out of my own pocket.” Also Maries Partner got vaccinated a short time later.

Looking back, the 28-year-old says: “If I had been informed about HPV and the possibility of vaccination earlier, I might have saved myself this whole dilemma and, above all, the emotional stress.”

Even if the STIKO should ideally carry out an HPV vaccination before the first sexual intercourse, men and women get vaccinated afterwards. According to that Ministry of Social Affairs vaccination is recommended for everyone up to the age of 30, after which it is considered optional. In addition, it is pointed out that in order to interrupt the chain of infection in the population, the vaccination of people of both sexes important is.

Petition for Better Sexual Health

One is currently sitting Petition ensure that the HPV vaccination – which is available free of charge for children and cheaper for young people in Austria – also for Adults up to the age of 30 should be free. The petition can here to be signed.

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