Human Resources Assistant: Recruitment

2023-11-21 10:28:11

The Human Resources (HR) assistant plays a versatile and crucial role in supporting staff and implementing HR policies within an institution.

Responsibilities include managing recruitment, professional development of employees, maintaining a healthy work environment, and promoting collaboration within the company. Each article in our series will delve deeper into one of the responsibilities carried out by the HR assistant.

The responsibilities of the HR assistant are multiple

The recruitment consists of participating in the process of hiring staff, writing job offers and selecting candidates.

The HR assistant also takes care of administrative management. He manages employee files, takes care of administrative formalities and ensures compliance with current regulations.

The training and development consist of coordinating training programs, identifying evolving needs and promoting skills development.

Furthermore, the performance management is also part of the responsibilities of the HR assistant. To do this, he implements and monitors performance evaluations, identifies opportunities for improvement and helps develop action plans.

The employee-employer relationshipfor its part, helps facilitate communication between management and staff, resolve conflicts and promote a positive work environment.

In this article, we will more specifically delve into the subject of recruitment and in particular the fundamental stages of the process.

The recruitment process

Recruitment is the art of finding people who not only have the necessary skills, but who can also fit into the company culture.

As in any good job interview, the perfect flow of discussions can make all the difference in the choice of candidate.


Attention ! Recruitment doesn’t stop there. Once we have found the right people, we must integrate them into the company team so that they get to know each other and work together. This is where the complicity between collaborators is born.

Before starting recruiting, HR managers work closely with different departments to understand their staffing needs. This may include the creation of new positions or the replacement of existing employees.

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This also allows them to determine the specifications for new or current positions, then secondly, to create the job offer to be published.

As we see above, the process is not only a crucial but also a rigorous step in its application. Indeed, there are certain fundamental steps to follow in order to ensure quality recruitment.

Once the position has been approved and budgeted by the finance department, the company can then post the advert. Here is an example:


Once the advertisement is published, qualified and selected candidates will be interviewed in order to select the ideal candidate for the position. Once the contract is signed, the new employee can officially begin their collaboration within the company.

Recruitment is therefore a key step, because it allows the company not only to find the talent it is looking for, but also to invest in its future resources.

Further reading:

The importance of yoga in the context of work and human resources

Human Resources Management 1: Its mission in 4 points

Photo credit : Sergey via

#Human #Resources #Assistant #Recruitment

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