Humans are approaching the level of intelligence required for life in outer space

Scientists said this week that humans may be smart enough to achieve interplanetary life within the next 200 years.

A team of eight researchers has published a new study, and they say humanity could become a Type I Kardashev civilization by the year 2371.

Kardashev’s model was made in 1964, according to the study, to assess how close a civilization is to space conquest and interplanetary travel, and depends largely on the types of energy each civilization can use and store, and researchers say humans have to learn how to harness renewable energy before we reach The first stage.

A Type I civilization is a “planetary civilization” that has harnessed all major forms of energy on its home planet, and humans, who have not yet conquered nuclear and renewable energy sources, are ineligible.

Type 2 civilizations are “stellar civilizations” and must be able to obtain and store all the energy released by the parent star, and Type 3, called “galactic civilizations” can access and control much of the energy generated by the entire galaxy.

The study suggests that humans will eventually need to flee Earth to survive a future catastrophic event of some sort, and if their warnings about the capabilities of Earth’s limited resources and the need to evolve into interplanetary species are valid, then this is just another reason to fight climate change and invest in energy sources. New before it’s too late.

To leave our planet for good, we will need to harness renewable and nuclear energy, just as much as we need those investments to prevent coral bleaching, mass extinctions and other climate catastrophes.

In this case, we can save two birds with one stone.

Source: The Byte

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