I always clean yellowed window frames with this homemade paste. It takes 5 minutes to prepare

What could be more unsightly than completely yellowed window frames? This is proof that they have been neglected for a while and that dirt has largely accumulated over time. In truth, it is not so much negligence, it is above all that this cleaning is particularly tedious, especially since certain corners are very difficult to access. We grant it to you. But, be aware that there are various easy and very effective tricks to quickly clean this yellowish area. To whiten window frames and make them look like new, here are some natural remedies you absolutely must try!

Currently, most people have windows fixed in white plastic frames: they are very popular and known as “PVC windows”. However, over the years and through lack of regular maintenance, their frames end up yellowing, revealing a dull and old-fashioned appearance. Climatic conditions are generally responsible for this unsightly coating: the sun’s rays, rain, snow, smoke, dust and other pollutants present in the atmosphere are often the cause.

Also, to overcome this unsightly discoloration, as soon as you notice these yellow marks appearing on the frames of your windows, you must clean them immediately. Tell yourself that by leaving things lying around, these stains will be more stubborn and more difficult to remove. We first offer you this very promising remedy that will make the difference.

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Here is how to prepare this household detergent:

  • 90 ml spirit vinegar
  • 120ml water
  • 30 ml citron juice

Pour everything into a spray bottle and mix the ingredients well. Next, spray your window frames well. Leave on for about 20 minutes. After this time, take a damp microfiber cloth and remove all excess liquid. Lo and behold, the frames now look great!

This solution is very easy and practical! To do this, simply cut soap shavings and mix them with lukewarm water. With a sponge, you can then clean the yellowed part of the window.

To clean PVC windows with white vinegar, you must dilute a few tablespoons of white vinegar in water. Then apply the solution to the surfaces to be cleaned with a soft sponge, rub until the stains disappear, then rinse with clean water.

To use, start by lathering the clay stone on a soft, non-abrasive sponge. Then, gently rub the places where the yellow spots are on the window. Finally, to finish, rinse thoroughly with clean water to remove residue. With this trick, you’ll have clean, shiny windows in no time!

To restore color to your PVC windows, you can use hydrogen peroxide. Dampen a piece of cotton with hydrogen peroxide and gently rub the surface of the window until the stains disappear.

What products should be avoided to clean yellowed PVC windows?

Do not use bleach or sandpaper to clean yellowed PVC windows. Bleach can cause a disastrous chemical reaction that further yellows the window. Sandpaper deteriorates the PVC material and can damage the window frame.

Baking soda – Source: spm

If you find that the stains are really stubborn and persistent, baking soda will come to your rescue. This stain remover and bleaching agent is renowned for its cleaning performance.

Here’s how:

  • Mix a glass of baking soda with warm water and lemon juice. You will get a smooth paste.
  • Apply it to a soft sponge and start scrubbing the stains thoroughly.
  • Take care not to keep the paste on the window frame for too long.

Because, even if PVC windows seem solid and durable, they are nonetheless delicate and can deform on contact with certain products. It is therefore not recommended to apply certain caustic substances, such as chlorine or bleach. Be careful with these cleaning products which may further dull the frames or even discolor the plastic. Also, they should not be rubbed with brushes. Because scratching can also damage them. Remember, improper maintenance can lead to gouges or nasty scratches on your window frames. Also, since they easily collect dirt and all kinds of impurities, you should consider cleaning more regularly.

Vinegar and baking soda

Vinegar and baking soda – Source: spm

PVC shutters have many advantages, including reduced maintenance compared to windows made of other materials. However, after long years of exposure to the sun, they lose their color and become tarnished. Rest assured, if you want them to return to their original color, there is a very reliable remedy. Your ally: vinegar.

This versatile product, with proven cleaning power, is particularly suitable for maintaining PVC shutters. After dusting the shutters, wipe them with a cloth soaked in vinegar and they will be shiny again.

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To protect them from the sun, you don’t need to spend a lot of money or buy specific products. Your pantry surely already contains a very effective duo: olive oil and baking soda. Combine a teaspoon of each ingredient and you’ll have a protective paste that will keep the sun from hitting the shutters directly. The application is very simple: pass this homogeneous mixture using a non-abrasive sponge and after a few minutes, wipe to remove the residues with a microfiber cloth.

To clean black mold that grows on PVC window frames, you should use a hot water and soap solution. With a soft cloth, wipe the area and you’re done! If you find that this is not enough, then you can resort to vinegar for a more satisfactory result. Please note: bleach should be avoided, as white frames can quickly turn brown.

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