I don’t care about cursing! South Korean YouTuber, 38, announces marriage to 75-year-old grandmother

South Korean YouTuber couple faces criticism from netizens show marriage certificate Officially declared husband and wife, even 37 years apart.

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Tian Tongji, 38, and Yoochun Ji, 75, a South Korean heterosexual YouTube couple with 47 thousand followers on the channel. Intimate Couple which opened the channel since 2020. They are a couple who are 37 years apart, so they are called by netizens. “Grandmother and granddaughter couple”

theyHas always been criticized for lying. because many people didn’t believe they were actually lovers untilThe couple announced their marriage registration on Sept. 29.

marriage certificate

Both have announced through a video clip on the YouTube channel. they said “Hello everyone, we have registered our marriage. We were finally legally married. It was the happiest day of our lives. Thank you very much.”

After the news of the marriage registration was revealed The netizens were arguing furiously. Some still don’t believe that Tian Dongji, 38, and Yoochun Ji, 75, really love each other. “They didn’t register their marriage out of love. but for the money.” or “Grandma really loves him. But I don’t think Tongji.”

But there were also many who congratulated and encouraged both of them. “Congratulations on getting married! Stay healthy and happy always.” or “There are so many couples of different ages these days, don’t be surprised.”

Source: ettoday

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