I Speak, We Will Hear You: Supporting Mental Health and Empowering Communities

2023-08-30 21:17:00

Ibrahim Hassan Thursday, August 31, 2023 12:17 AM

Nada Khader, Director of the Initiatives and Development Sector, said:Decent lifeThe “I speak, we will hear you” initiative has been launched to support mental health, and through it, attention is paid to many groups, especially children, adolescents, youth, people of determination, and women with breadwinners.

She added, in an interview with the journalist Youssef Al-Husseini, on the “Ninth” program broadcast on Channel 1 of the Egyptian TV, that the “I speak, we will hear you” initiative provides great psychological support, and it started with awareness campaigns regarding the seriousness of mental illness and its symptoms among family members, and it was not expected that 145 cases would come in the beginning. of children and women, and teams were provided within the Egyptian governorates to provide psychological support within the framework of the initiative.

And the Director of the Initiatives and Development Sector in “A Decent Life” continued: “Our campaigns, which we launch within the framework of a decent life, provide psychological, health, educational and awareness services, empower women economically, and study humanitarian cases extensively in cooperation with many government agencies and civil society, and we expect services to increase in the coming period significantly.” Larger”.

And she added, “We are working on a very important part, which is combating addiction, raising awareness of the dangers of addiction to families, and defining the symptoms of addiction to family members. We touched with young people the idea of ​​their acceptance of mental illness in order to get rid of it, which reflects the acceptance of new generations of the idea of ​​mental illness as a first step to get rid of it.”

#Director #Development #Haya #Karima #Speak #Hear #initiative #supports #mental #health #groups



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