“I was raped 5 times”… Famous female YouTuber with multiple personalities ‘Shock Confession’

Known for revealing daily life suffering from DID ADHD
Belgian doctor contacted for ‘assisted dying’

A famous female YouTuber with multiple personalities is causing controversy by revealing that she will proceed with ‘assisted death’. [사진출처 = 인스타그램]

A French YouTuber suffering from Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) is shocking by announcing that she will proceed with ‘assisted dying’ in Belgium.

DID is a dissociative disorder that refers to the existence of two or more distinct identities or personality states within a person. It is often referred to as multiple personality disorder. In addition, assisted dying generally means that when a patient with decision-making ability is suffering from an incurable disease, the patient receives a prescription from a doctor and uses it to cause death.

British daily Daily Mail and others reported on the 24th (local time) that YouTuber Lily (23), who goes by the name of ‘Olympe’, recently posted on her Instagram, “Contact with Belgian doctors to proceed with assisted death at the end of this year. I am doing it,” he said.

Since 2020, Lily has emerged as a celebrity by posting videos of her daily life suffering from DID and ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). It has 250,000 subscribers.

Lily, who suffers from DID, is known to have a total of four personalities: Lucy, Jay, and Charlie, in addition to Lily herself.

Lily appeared on a French TV program on the 4th and confessed her dark past suffering from DID.

He confessed on the air, “I was raped more than 5 times as a teenager, and I was dismissed 20 times in 7 years.”

“I’ve reached my limit, too,” Lily said in an Instagram video. “I can’t go through another ordeal now.”

Regarding the decision to ‘assisted death’, he emphasized, “It was not an impulse, it was an accurate decision made with my head.”

He said, “I can no longer live for others or live for others,” he said. “I have already stayed for others for the past few years. I am so exhausted,” he pleaded.

He added that he was currently in contact with Belgian doctors and that an assisted death would occur by the end of this year.

In response to Lily’s remarks, most of the netizens stopped him, such as “You must love the life you have been given and work hard until the end”, “It was a wrong choice at such a young age” and “You should change your mind”.

Meanwhile, a doctor in Brussels, Belgium, who is known to have been approached by Olympe, gave an interview with local media that it would be difficult to help with assisted dying. Lily chose Belgium because ‘euthanasia’ is legal along with the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Germany and Spain.

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