I woke up and found myself pregnant.. a bold Egyptian accuses Sheikh Abu Azza of indecent assault. When the doctors examined her, they discovered the fatal shock! !

A woman from the Haram area in Giza governorate recounted a strange incident of its kind, as she met an impostor and in circumstances she did not know,

She found herself married to him, and the matter got worse. Hind learned of the existence of a pregnancy, but without a fetus, as all pregnancy detection methods prove the truth of her pregnancy, but this fetus does not appear invisible in the sonar device.

Regarding the details of the incident, the lady said that the beginning of the matter was when she discovered the page of a man claiming to be a spiritual healer, who uses the Qur’an to remove harm from humans,

At the same time, the woman was suffering from family problems between her ex-husband and her children, and she actually contacted him and Egypt responded to her to come to her house, to promote her children and read the Qur’an at home.

The victim continued the story, explaining that the next day this man called her, asking her to go with him to an unknown place, explaining that he discovered that there was magic that harmed her there and he wanted to nullify it, and when she refused because she did not believe in the existence of magic and business, he offered her to marry.

She added that the antichrist started chasing her everywhere she went, and every time she refused him, until she woke up one day and found that she had married him, and did not know any details, saying: I woke up and found myself married, I do not know when, how and where, and he refused to hand me any paper proving the passport.

The story did not end when she divorced from the Antichrist, as she found out before her divorce that she was pregnant with him, and all medical examinations and pregnancy tests confirmed the presence of pregnancy, but when she was examined with an ultrasound, nothing appeared in her womb, and she said: Every thing says that I am pregnant, until I feel pregnant, but the sonar device does not have anything in it, as if the body is invisible. I was pregnant in a ghost, and I spent about a month trying to bring down this pregnancy by all means, until God saved me from it.

Then I decided to tell everyone what happened so that people would take care of him, because he was hurting my family, and before I spoke, I went to the Dar Al-Iftaa, and I knew there that he is famous as Sheikh Abu Azza because he uses Azza to discover the place of business, and they told me that this is not the first time that you come to complain about him that he I assaulted her, then I decided that I would not be silent.

When I started talking about who got me on the social media, I received a big attack, threats, and even money offered to me to keep quiet, but I was talking because, the girls take care of them, crises of honor and honor are not easy to give up. They took their right from him.

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