identifying the mechanism of the desire to eat would allow weight loss

To lose weight, identifying the mechanism of the desire to eat would be a good solution.

Losing weight is a desire of many people. However, this is not the easiest and usually requires dieting. However, a new study published in the JAMA Network Open just pointed out that practicing using natural cues for when to eat rather than focusing on calories would help.

Indeed, this will strengthen tolerance to cravings and curb his desire to eat. This weight loss program is also called “Signal Regulation” by researchers.

Identify food cues for weight loss

In detail, the results of the study show that this new weight loss program was effective for people who had difficulty resisting hunger or who never felt full. In fact, study participants successfully lose weight, and more importantly, keep it off.

Kerri N. Boutelle, PhD, lead author of the study, points out: “There are individuals who are very reactive to food cues. That is, they can’t resist food and/or can’t stop thinking about food. Behavioral weight loss techniques are not sufficient for these people, so we designed an alternative approach to address this clinical need.”

To reach this conclusion, the researchers followed 271 adults aged 18 to 65 for 12 months. The latter participated in 26 group treatments. Of note, they were asked to engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate- or vigorous-intensity physical activity per week. For this work, two groups were formed: one following a behavioral weight program; and another following in addition the “Signal regulation” program.

Results, weight loss after 24 months was similar in both groups. However, the one who also followed the “Signal Regulation” program managed to stabilize their weight and maintain it, while the others regained weight halfway through the treatment.

Kerri N. Boutelle states: “Our results suggest that the appetite mechanisms targeted by this program may be particularly important for weight loss in people who have difficulty resisting food and could be used in a personalized medicine”.

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