If you are looking to lose weight, here is the meal of the day not to be missed.

When we seek to losing weight, we could sometimes be tempted to skip meals to achieve our goals more quickly. Big mistake! This annoying mania would in fact turn out to be downright counterproductive and would only give rise to unhealthy snacks during the day or to excessive indulgence when it comes time to sit down to eat.

If there is a meal that should not be missed under any circumstances if you want to be sure to see a real difference on the scale, it is breakfast. It’s not for nothing that some say it’s the most important meal of the day.

Why shouldn’t you skip breakfast when trying to lose weight?

As reported Health Press, getting into the habit of eating balanced and nutritious menus in the morning would boost your metabolism and therefore maintain a healthy weight over time while reducing your level of hunger later in the day. Generally rich in fibre, which contributes to promoting the feeling of satiety, breakfasts prevent you from being eaten away by the desire to snack between meals. Several scientific studies have also shown that people who skip breakfast are more likely to be overweight than those who start their day with a balanced meal.

Real fuel for the brain, a good breakfast would also be associated with improved cognitive performance, since it provides as much energy to the body as to the mind. And for good reason, in most cases they give pride of place to nourishing foods full of essential vitamins and minerals, which contribute to the proper functioning of the body in addition to participating in the healing of damaged cells. This can help prevent certain diseases.

Breakfast would also help stabilize blood sugar levels and thus prevent weight gain due to spikes in insulin production after meals. It is also a way to relaunch your digestive system in the morning, after a night of fasting and thus to ensure a good digestion and better transit. Because it boosts the metabolism, breakfast also burns more calories during waking hours than if you had skipped meals. So be sure to take the time not to neglect it!

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