If you are picky about food taste?…Avoid the red bowl (Research)

Research has shown that people with picky appetites are affected by the color of the bowl containing food. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]

Research has shown that picky eaters can be influenced by the color of their food bowl. In particular, food served in red bowls was negatively received. The explanation is that if you are picky and do not eat well, it is better to avoid red bowls.

Researchers at the University of Portsmouth in the UK investigated the effects of color perception on people with picky eaters and those who don’t.

The research team first measured food neophobia, a tendency to be reluctant to try new foods, through a questionnaire to about 50 participants, and divided them into two groups: those with picky appetites and those without.

Then, they were asked to taste the same brand of potato chips (salt and vinegar crisps) in red, white, and blue bowls. As a result, the color of the bowl greatly influenced the desire to eat the snack and the salty taste felt in the picky palate group. has been shown to affect

The group rated the cookies in the blue and red bowls as saltier compared to those in the white bowls. And they responded that they had less desire to eat snacks in a red bowl.

The researchers explained that this may be due to the perception that associates red with danger. It is possible that people had negative expectations when seeing red, and people’s perceptions may have been influenced by preexisting preconceptions or stereotypes.

Study author Dr. Lorenzo Stafford said, “This study is the first to provide insight into the relationship between color and taste in people with picky eaters. “The results of this study provide preliminary evidence of how food can help improve the experience of eating.”

The findings were published in the scientific journal Food Quality and Preference.

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