Illegal coca eradication: why does the suspension announced by the Ministry avoid the underlying problem? | PERU

Last weekend the Ministerio del Interior announced the temporary suspension of the compulsory eradication of coca leaf crops in the Junín, Cusco and Ayacucho basins, corresponding to the jurisdiction of the Federation of Agricultural Producers of the Valley of the Apurímac and Ene Rivers (Fepavrae).

This measure was applied after this group announced a 48-hour strike demanding that the State withdraw the National Commission for Development and Life without Drugs (Devida) in its territory, and of the Special Project for the Control and Reduction of Illegal Crops in Alto Huallaga (Corah)not having been able to articulate with the Government a gradual, concerted and voluntary reduction as part of the Citizen Social Pact (PSC).

Statement from the Ministry of the Interior.

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In a recent statement, this ministry reiterated that, in addition to the temporary suspension, “they will continue with the process of eradicating illegal crops and fighting drug trafficking head-on” with the National Police of Peru.

Despite the announcement from the Interior sector, local media in the VRAEM Several mobilizations and concentrations of the residents have been reported demanding the immediate opening of a dialogue table with the Ministry of Internship, the presence of President Pedro Castillo and the definitive withdrawal of Corah. Coca grower leaders have commented that, if an exact date is not confirmed until September 30 to start direct communication with this portfolio, they would abide by an indefinite strike.

incomplete communication

Months ago, the president of Devida, Ricardo Soberon declared for this medium that the Citizen Social Pact (PSC) would generate a eradication “verifiably, gradually and voluntarily”. However, according to specialists consulted by Tradeto date there would be no positive results and that the Government would have generated two speeches by not announcing that the Corah would carry out eradication at the same time as the volunteer.

Former Interior Minister Rubén Vargas told this newspaper that there are no records of the progress of voluntary eradication since its enactment. “This government told us that its strategy to fight drugs in the Vraem was the PSC, which consists of a kind of commitment assumed by the coca farmer. He signs an act with Devida so that self-eradicate the coca leaf and the goal set in this government strategy, which is executed through Devida, was to reduce one thousand hectares of coca leaf in the VRAEM. We are already more than a year after this new management in the Executive and to date there is not a single hectare self-eradicated”said.

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The specialist explained that before the pandemic, more than 25,000 hectares of illegal crops were eradicated annually. According to the Mininter, until June of this year, more than 10,000 hectares had been eliminated with the operations of the Special Project for the Control and Reduction of Illegal Crops in Alto Huallaga (Corah), plus the support of the National Police of Peru (PNP). . The final goal for this period after the health emergency is 18,000.

READ ALSO: Devida: a decrease of 18 thousand hectares of illegal crops is expected during 2022

According to the specialist, the problem is that while the government talks about voluntary eradication, the Corah continues to carry out work in the Vraem as part of its work, which was financed with more than S/ 87 million, according to Executive Presidency Resolution No. 000043-2022-DV-PE published in March of this year. This authorized the transfer of the amount in favor of the Embassy of the United States within the framework of the “Operating Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Peru and the Government of the United States of America for the drug control project”.

“When you have a double discourse, these short circuits are generated [los paros]. This government and especially Devida, have not been sufficiently transparent to communicate to the Vraem coca growers that an eradication action was planned”he declared.

He stressed that it is very important that these illegal crops be eliminated because they are expanding in the Asháninka native communities, directly affecting them. In addition, he highlighted that it is one of the most powerful illegal economies that finance terrorism and corrode many public institutions with narco-corruption. “It is necessary for the State to fulfill its responsibility to control illicit crops,” he said.

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“The Defense Commission that fights against drugs of the Congress of the Republic must immediately summon the Minister of the Interior and ask for explanations of why the eradication that was being carried out in a territory of native communities of the Vraem was liftedVargas concluded.

Meanwhile, the former Vice Minister of Public Security of the Ministry of the Interior Nicolás Zevallos declared that there is an evident contradiction on the part of the State because there is a national drug control policy that seeks to eradicate illegal crops, while the Citizen Social Pact proposes an auto- voluntary eradication.

“We do not know what the progress and achievements have been in this first year of execution of the PSC. It would be interesting to know if the objective of the gradual reduction of the surface in that area of ​​the Vraem was achieved”commented.

For the specialist, it is necessary to invest in this critical sector of Peru, guaranteeing the fight against the illegal cultivation of coca leaf that is destined for drug trafficking. He stressed that it is important to improve economic and social conditions in the territory.

“The presence of the State in the Vrae has to be reinforced with public development policies and also with the same compliance with the law. The work must be articulated”ended.

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