Broadcasters from the Baltic States and Ukraine have agreed to cooperate

The aim of the agreement is to create mechanisms of mutual support for public media of the Baltic States and Ukraine – LRT, Latvijas Televizija and Latvijas Radio, ERR from Estonia and Suspilne from Ukraine. The agreement was signed during the General Assembly of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) in Cyprus. As reported by LRT, … Read more

why is there no evening public transport in Riga

A dialog on this matter within the microblog “X” was began by Didzis Veinbergs, who recalled the occasions when at evening within the capital it was attainable to take public transport. “After all, worthwhile privatization goes hand in hand with one other kind of privatization: we cancel a public service and substitute it with a … Read more Specialists on the outcomes of the Zelensky summit: the glass is half full (VIDEO)

Political scientists sum up the outcomes of the worldwide discussion board, which was attended by representatives of 92 international locations and eight worldwide organizations The 2-day Peace Summit, convened on the initiative of Ukraine, ended within the Swiss resort city of Bürgenstock. Russia was not invited to the summit. In the meantime, on Friday, Vladimir … Read more

The Ministry of Culture has found the main cause of tension in Latvian society

The Ministry of Culture notes that shared memories of past events and their collective recollection are a prerequisite for creating in people a feeling of closeness both to their country and to the European Union. The plan emphasizes that understanding history is one of the factors influencing how people perceive and understand different values. In … Read more

Poland liberalizes the right to abortion without explanation (VIDEO)

“This is not regarding medicine, but regarding human rights,” – this is how Donald Tusk commented on the Sejm’s decision to transfer draft amendments on abortion to an emergency commission. The Polish Sejm sent all draft amendments to abortion laws proposed by members of the ruling coalition to an emergency commission for consideration. “This is … Read more

What are the most important questions in a job interview?

The first impression “is never forgotten” and is crucial when it comes to a interview of job; where recruiters wait answers more assertive and concrete when talking regarding yourself, your experience professional and the reasons that make you the best candidate. The search site Indeed employment explained that “breaking the ice” during a job interview … Read more

During the holidays, there is a risk of poisoning from egg dyes and garden chemicals.

During Easter, the Poison Helpline often receives calls in cases where a child has put or swallowed egg dye. “For example, a concerned mother contacted us, whose child the day before ate, along with candy, a green coloring tablet dissolved in water to color eggs. After this, the child slept restlessly at night, and in … Read more

The expert proposed to completely stop trade with Russia

“People may think that this is too extreme a step. But we have now come to the point where there are so many restrictions that it is easier to say that there is only one restriction – no trade. And then make some exceptions, for example, for medicines that can be transported across the border. … Read more