Olympic Paris will not see Latvian basketball players: Brazilians will play instead

Latvia lost with a score of 69:94 (11:34, 22:15, 13:23, 23:22). The first three-point shot of the Latvian team was made by Rolands Šmits three minutes and 16 seconds later, bringing the score to 3:8. The Latvians were having trouble attacking, but the Brazilians kept scoring. By the end of the first quarter, they had … Read more

More changes at the post office. You will have to pay significantly more

“At the moment, we are talking regarding increasing tariffs that will actually compensate for these changes over a two-year period. Because the new tariffs, if approved, will come into force on January 1, 2025, and accordingly, a period of two years will pass when prices have not changed. We are taking into account inflation, changes … Read more

Sports Academy merged with Stradins University

The Latvian Academy of Sport Education (LASP) is joining Riga Stradins University (RSU) as of today, according to a cooperation agreement signed in April by the Ministry of Education and Science (MES), the Ministry of Health, LASP and RSU. The process of consolidation of universities is envisaged for a two-year transition period. During this time, … Read more Latvian intelligentsia ceases to understand Europe and its values

“The world has changed in just a few years. Hermanis did not accept these changes in Europe. Returning to Riga, he was no longer able to accurately fit into the context… Hermanis’s last outstanding production was “Brodsky/Baryshnikov” (2015), and stagnation followed.” Thus, the critic leaves behind the sensational play “Gorbachev”, in which Yevgeny Mironov and … Read more Latvian public sector employees can’t fit at the trough: what to do?

With enviable regularity, discussions flare up on social networks and elsewhere regarding how we have too many officials and, in general, everyone who feeds from the state budget – and this really slows down the development of the country, and most importantly – because of such a number of “dependents” there is not enough money … Read more Clients Lose, Banks Find: Latvian Depositors Make Fraudsters Rich

During the same time, clients of just four local banks (Swedbank, Luminor, SEB and Citadele) lost more than 8 million euros. Profitable business The total assets of monetary financial institutions as of 31 May 2024 amounted to EUR 28.248 billion, up 5.4% or EUR 1.44 billion from the end of May 2023, when assets amounted … Read more

All shelters in Latvia will be divided into three categories

The money was decided upon two months ago, as reported by bb.lvLatvia will need regarding 100 million euros to repair or create shelters and places to take refuge. What will they build with this money? Shelters first category will provide protection once morest weapons of mass destruction, toxic chemicals and radioactive contamination. Protection once morest … Read more