I’m waiting for you and I’m afraid he committed suicide.. Egyptian messages on her husband’s grave are making a fuss

In a heart-wrenching, touching incident, pictures of an Egyptian woman’s messages over her husband’s grave spread on social media.

With poignant words and abundant feelings, this woman, Marwa, used to write to her husband on his grave daily the details of her life as if he was still alive and sustenance, which ignited the social media.

The messages, taken by a photographer named Bassam El-Shahawi, showed conflicting feelings for the grieving woman, sometimes telling her deceased husband that she was waiting for him, and at other times she disclosed to him the control of her despair and her contemplation of suicide due to his long absence.

The letters found in the cemeteries in the Fustat area, south of Cairo, showed that the wife had her temper and acted as if nothing had happened, so she took the husband’s permission to visit her relatives and inform him of the latest family news.

It is noteworthy that these messages received a wide interaction on the social networking sites. Where many Egyptians expressed their concern for the woman and fear for her fate. Others expressed their admiration for her sincere love for her husband and her commitment to visit his grave daily.

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