Immersive Technologies

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Immersive technology refers to new ways to create, view, and interact with applications, content, and experiences. The digital experience by combining the look, the sight, the sound, and even the touch of users.

Immersive technologies allow a person to feel part of an artificial simulated environment, for example, theater requires Immersive audience interaction with the group, props and actors, while the control dashboard is in the air Immersive may allow the operator to see and interact with real-time monitoring data.

Virtual Reality – VR

Virtual reality completely replaces the user’s surroundings with a digital environment using a two-screen Head Mount Monitor (HMD) Two close to the eye, one for each eye. Virtual reality is giving way to both industrial applications and creative experiences with new styles of storytelling.

Augmented Reality. (Augmented Reality – AR)

Augmented reality creates an immersive experience for users by blending real with virtual reality. Using computer vision and machine learning algorithms, the device can make sense of the “real world” in both a spatial and semantic sense. Digital Catapult, a British government innovation agency for the digital software and software industry, has helped cultural institutions reach New audiences through augmented reality and helped retail brands explore new solutions that work Augmented reality for growth and innovation within its business.


Haptic technology is known as “3D touch” or “kinetic interaction.” Unlike other immersive technologies, it involves tactile feedback including Pressure, vibration and movements. Touches are likely to be one of the main ways we interact with apps and content in forms Futuristic computing – be it spatial computing or metaverses. In 2020, Digital Catapult sets the UK haptic ecosystem to reveal some Use Cases, Players, and Future Opportunities – You can access the report here.

In short, recent developments in immersive technologies have created new opportunities for companies to solve problems, seize new opportunities, and advance Forward innovation.

Why immersive experiences or solutions?

The continuous development of immersive technologies has already had an impact on the economy and in many industries because it offers new ways to go And exciting for interaction, analysis and creativity. Here are some examples of why immersive experiences and techniques are applied to problems across the industry.


From the military to healthcare and sports, immersive technologies have transformed the way training is designed and delivered. The use of virtual and augmented reality has increased the speed and quality of training, and allows for a more hands-on training experience Very valuable and usually difficult to achieve in traditional classroom settings. This includes soft skills as well as technical skills, for example handling difficult situations or managing the team

Product design and prototyping.

Immersive technologies will allow product development teams to quickly and inexpensively create virtual prototypes, while creating opportunities for collaboration from afar. Leaps in immersive technology will continue to revolutionize product development, removing obstacles such as time and cost and location.

Digital Catapult Gravity Sketch, a collaborative 3D and virtual reality design tool, is supported by its Augmentor. Allowing teams to communicate 3D ideas during the design process, accelerating product development, Gravity Sketch It receives funding from venture capital firms and now works with large companies such as Nissan and Ford.

Online retail

Immersive technologies can solve a recurring problem in online shopping: customers simply don’t know what a product will look like Already on site, whether in their living room or on their feet. This is especially a problem for more expensive items such as furniture.

Advances in augmented reality technology allow potential customers to “place” the desired item in their home or on the their bodies, making them more confident in their purchases. Companies like Amazon and Ikea are already using augmented reality on their online platforms for this reason. The ‘virtual experience’ has been filtered down to social media platforms like Instagram and Snapchat – allowing Consumers are allowed to try on make-up or head coverings from within their social network, resulting in increased engagement and purchases.

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