Impact-2: call for projects to bring out digital solutions in mental health

Building on the success of the first edition, the members of the IMPACT initiative announce the launch of the second edition of the program to promote innovation in mental health. Project leaders have until April 17, 2023 to apply.

The major crisis in the psychiatry sector in France, amplified by the Covid-19 pandemic, has made it possible to put mental health at the heart of public debate and to mobilize all the actors around this cause. Indeed, the care of psychiatric patients suffers from a lack of human and financial resources, frequent interruptions in care upon discharge from hospital and a well-known stigma. To respond to these many challenges, various initiatives have emerged such as the Mental Health and Psychiatry Conference, the launch of new Priority Research Programs and Equipment (PEPR) funded under the France 2030 plan by the government, including the project-program in precision psychiatry called PROPSY or the creation of the mental health committee at LEEM.

More recently, at the beginning of March, still within the framework of France 2030, the Minister of Health and Prevention announced funding of 25 million euros for the digital and mental health “Grand Challenge” which will make it possible to mobilize and support innovation and thus develop new methods of care such as digital therapies and new digital media to promote mental health. Beyond France, the European Commission has recently mobilized contributions for a global approach to mental health.

« The IMPACT 1 and 2 programs are fully in line with this dynamic by making the rise of digital solutions an opportunity to address certain problems encountered by patients and caregivers. The members of IMPACT have a common ambition for mental health: to promote innovation with value-creating projects, in the care pathway via technologies that meet the needs of prevention, early identification, diagnosis, strategy clinic, city-hospital coordination or reduction of therapeutic wandering explains Aurélie Lécuyer, Medical Director at Otsuka Pharmaceutical France SAS, founding member of IMPACT.

IMPACT, a unique public/private initiative that boosts innovation in mental health

The first edition of IMPACT was a resounding success with the receipt of more than fifty applications. The 5 winning start-ups of the program benefited from 9 months of support to accelerate their deployment with the strong involvement of the partners of the initiative. For this second edition, beyond the classic support (mentoring, coaching, ecosystem connection, etc.), specific modules will be set up, dedicated to health data, the evaluation of the impact of solutions, the putting mental health into perspective from several angles (care pathway, care, etc.) and, finally, access to testing grounds.

« The winners of the first edition learned a great deal about key subjects such as business development, product and market access strategy, testing grounds, financing. On the strength of this first experience, we are very happy today to announce the online publication of a new call for projects 2022/2023 in mental health around three themes: prevention, monitoring and care, extra-hospital continuity of support with an extension of the perimeter to child psychiatry, adult psychiatry and dementia in the elderly » details Gérard Friedlander, General Delegate of the Paris Cité University Foundation, founding member of IMPACT, Accelerator of innovation in mental health.

Un programme en 3 étapes pour accélérer l’innovation en santé mentale
1.    Ouverture de l’appel à projets « IMPACT 2 - Accélérateur d’Innovation en Santé Mentale » du 8 mars au 17 avril 2023 autour de 3 défis : 
-    La prévention : des solutions de prévention, de détection, de repérage précoce, de stratégie thérapeutiques,
-    Le suivi et la prise en charge pour les psychiatres et leurs patients : des recommandations, des traitements de référence, l’adéquation des soins en fonction de la sévérité et de la résistance, le suivi (observance, évolution…), la prédiction (réponse au traitement, observance, rechute…),
-    La continuité extra-hospitalière de l’accompagnement des patients : les solutions d’aval pour de meilleures trajectoires post et extrahospitalières post-urgences, la prise en charge ambulatoire, le retour à domicile et les soins de suite.
Cette année, le périmètre est élargi à la pédopsychiatrie, psychiatrie de l’adulte et à la démence des personnes âgées.
Les modalités de l’appel à projets « IMPACT 2- Accélérateur d’Innovation en Santé Mentale » et le cadre du dépôt des dossiers sont disponibles en ligne sur le site :
Impact Saison 2
2. Sélection des projets lauréats du 17 au 27 avril 2023 Les startups présenteront leurs projets, en cascade, auprès de deux jurys, le Comité de Pré-sélection et le Grand Jury, composés d’experts représentatifs de l’écosystème innovant en santé (digital, scientifique, patients, parcours de soin, data). 3. Déploiement du programme à partir de 28 avril 2023 – Annonce des Lauréats Les startups lauréates bénéficieront d’un programme d’accompagnement de 9 mois pour accélérer leur déploiement avec une forte implication des partenaires de l’initiative.

The institutional and associative partners who support “IMPACT 2 – Innovation Accelerator in Mental Health” are: Unafam, the Ministry of Solidarity and Health, Ministerial Delegation for Mental Health and Psychiatry, the Health Date Hub, leem, Numeum, E-health Council, France Digitale, Angels Santé.

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