in 1982, the whole region is suffocating (already)

2023-07-09 12:00:00

The winds were beaten yesterday, on the third day of a heat wave that meteorologists explain by the persistence, above our region — as over the whole of France — masses of hot air coming from the south.

The winds were beaten yesterday, on the third day of a heat wave that meteorologists explain by the persistence, above our region — as over the whole of France — masses of hot air coming from the south.

> Find all our articles on the heat wave in our search engine

While waiting for the westerly winds and the sea air promised for Saturday, the South-West therefore had a particularly trying day.

Reproduction of part of the article from July 9, 1982.

South West Archives

Landes : 56 cas d’insolation

This was particularly the case in the Landes (40°5 in Mont-de-Marsan and 40°8 in Dax) where the rescuers stationed on the ocean beaches had to intervene fifty-six times for the onset of insolation. In most cases, on-site care was sufficient. But it was necessary to transport to the Dax hospital Mrs. Nicole Quesnar, 35, domiciled in Saint-Brieuc, stricken with tetany on the beach of Mollets.

The Dax hospital center also welcomed two women victims of the onset of sunstroke on the Souquet rest area, along the RN 10 and two children from a summer camp in the Landes, as well as a young girl. , who showed the same alarming symptoms.

Sunstroke, again, in Lot-et-Garonne, where a mother and her little girl had to be taken to hospital in Marmande.

Lot-et-Garonne: 1,500 chickens perish

It is because in all the departments the records have been beaten, as evidenced by the “thermometer” opposite: everywhere, we brush against and sometimes exceed the maximum temperatures recorded since the creation of the observation posts in the month of July 1947 which, in terms of heat, constitutes a reference.

The “thermometer” taken from the July 1982 article.

South West Archives

Another consequence of this lasting heat wave: everywhere, fires have broken out, such as in Charente-Maritime or Lot-et-Garonne. In this last department, fifteen hectares of pines burned in Montignac-sur-Lède and Pauillac and numerous stubble, wasteland and wheat field fires were reported.

Farms also suffered, and 1,500 chickens perished on a farm in Tonneins.

On the hillsides of the region, as we pointed out in our previous edition, the water supply often poses a problem: thus in Sadirac (Gironde) where, following the silting up of a pump, part of the town has been without water for 48 hours.

On the same subject

Heat wave in France: our file

France is facing a new heatwave episode and 15 departments are on red alert this Monday. In the South-West, Météo France has announced a “heat apocalypse”, with temperatures which could rise to 42°C

And everywhere, recommendations are formulated, even decrees published – as in Saint-Claud, in Charente – aiming to avoid waste, in particular during watering. The situation is worrying, again, in the regions where, for the needs of agriculture, hillside lakes have been created: their level is now at its lowest.

Stocks of parasols that dated back several years, exhausted

Finally, the heat caused major disturbances on the electrified SNCF lines: the expansion of the catenaries caused breakdowns. On the Bordeaux-Paris line where between Narbonne and Aquitaine, the trains were stopped, accumulating delays exceeding an hour and a half.

Finally, throughout the region, all the items whose use is linked to high temperatures have become rare, even impossible to find. This is the case of swimming pools for children, parasols. For this last article we have sometimes exhausted stocks that dated back several years.

#region #suffocating

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