“In the CSM professional members predominate” –

«The prevalence of professional magistrates will be absolute in any reform of the CSM. This is not up for debate. In my original idea, the CSM should be made up only of magistrates precisely to ensure maximum independence of the judiciary from any interference from political power.” Thus in Palermo at the ANM congress the Minister of Justice, Carlo Nordio, added: «I have already expressed my opinion on this with your president. This question makes me understand that your president’s confidentiality was absolute. He didn’t warn you and I’ll give you the good news.”

Gratteri attacks on the tests, but Nordio continues and raises the issue of separating careers

Another hot topic is that of the separation of careers between judges and prosecutors. «As regards the timescales for the reform of the separation of careers, various measures of various types are being crowded at the moment – continued Nordio – We are in an election campaign which greatly reduces the possibility of a meeting of Parliament and of the government itself therefore on this I don’t have a date.” Thus the Minister of Justice Carlo Nordio on the sidelines of the ANM congress in Palermo. «So many and such measures are accumulating – he says – so I am not able to say when, I am able to say if. And the if is affirmative. My intention, I repeat, is to implement the Bordeaux Convention which was improperly cited some time ago.”

#CSM #professional #members #predominate #Tempo
2024-05-11 16:49:30

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