Including an increase in blood sugar.. The damages of excessive consumption of prickly pears

The prickly pear is one of the summer fruits that concern many people, and it is very popular because of its delicious taste preferred by adults and children, in addition to its great nutritional value and healthy for the body, and contains some substances and properties that contribute to lowering the level of cholesterol in the blood, in addition It contains some vitamins that the human body needs, but if the prickly pear is eaten in excess and it may cause some problems and damage to human health and cause some serious general effects to human health, and then it must be moderated and not excessive in order to avoid negative effects.

Disadvantages of eating too much prickly pear

Obesity and therapeutic nutrition consultant, Dr. Ahmed Sabry, explained that eating prickly pears has some damage to human health, as follows:

  • It causes a state of nausea and fainting if a person eats excessively the prickly pear on an empty stomach and on an empty stomach, because it significantly lowers blood sugar.
  • Inflammation, diarrhea and ulcers in the colon as a result of eating the prickly pear in excess of the necessary limit.
  • It may cause stomach bloating when overeating and overdosing it is reasonable.
  • A person may have a headache.
  • It increases the percentage of stool inside the body if it is eaten in excess.
Disadvantages of eating too much prickly pear
  • The individual who undergoes surgery is prevented from eating the prickly pear because of its effect on lowering the level of sugar in the blood, which may have an impact on that process and the doctor treating him is not able to control the level of sugar in the blood and thus negatively affect the recovery process.
  • Pregnant women are prevented from eating the prickly pear because this contributes to the process of contracting the muscles of the uterus.
  • The prickly pear, when consumed in excess, causes an imbalance and disorder in the digestive system, and then leads to a major problem such as constipation.

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