Introduction to the “mtv” evening news bulletin for Wednesday, 05/11/2022

Is it true that there are polling stations that will not arrive in Beirut on the fifteenth of May, but on the seventeenth of it, that is, two days after the end of the voting process in Lebanon next Sunday? In practice, as understood from the statement of the company DHL The seventeenth of May is the maximum time for the bags to arrive, but they will arrive, according to official sources, at the time specified before the election day, and there are those who confirm that they will arrive tomorrow..

But, what if these boxes don’t arrive? Is it permissible for the authority to deal lightly and arbitrarily with a fateful constitutional entitlement that the Lebanese await once every four years? On the other hand, what is the story of the box that we saw on social media at Portland Airport? Is the path he took is a legitimate and legal path? And in the event that it is confirmed that the process is not legal, what will the Lebanese authorities do, and will the illegality lead to allowing everyone affected by the election results to file a lawsuit to challenge them and their results?

Politically, electoral silence is the master of the situation. But he was silent on the media only. The candidates continue their electoral campaigns in the different regions, and they say what is permissible and what is not. As for the politicians who are not candidates, they continue to express their positions that fall into the category of elections.

The most prominent position is what Prime Minister Najib Mikati announced that voting is a duty, and called on all Lebanese to participate massively in the elections. An appeal by Interior Minister Bassam Mawlawi to members of the Sunni sect, calling on them to vote heavily, to be loyal to their Arabism and adhere to the legitimacy of their state. It is clear that the mood in the Sunni street changes positively day after day, and this will be enshrined in Friday sermons. Therefore, the boycott that some bet on will not be achieved.

O Lebanese: Participate massively in the upcoming entitlement, as the future of your country is at stake. And change is without your voice and without your voice, and on May 15th, let your voice change.

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