investigate femicide followed by suicide

And hairdresser and a woman were found dead today to bullets in a house in the Buenos Aires town of Ciudadela and it is being investigated whether it was a femicide followed by suicide, reported judicial and police sources.

The The event occurred this morning in a house located on Calle Badaraco at 100 of said locality of the Tres de Febrero party, in the western zone of Greater Buenos Aires.

Judicial spokesmen informed Télam that a neighbor took his dog for a walk and, passing by the property, observed through a half-open window that there were two bloody bodies stretched out in the living room.

As a result, the man immediately called 911 and officers from the 12th precinct. from Ciudadela Sur went to the place and, After entering the house, they found the presence of the corpses of a man and a woman.

The victims were identified by the Justice and the Police as Miguel Ángel Di Natale (67), a hairdresser by profession, and Natalia Carina Cáceres (43).

Di Natale had a shot to the head, while Cáceres had a bullet wound to the neck.

The door was locked from the inside with the keys in it

The uniformed officers who carried out the first actions at the crime scene verified that the access door to the house was locked from the inside with the keys placedand that there were no signs of violence in the income or in the rest of the house, as well as missing.

In turn, they found among the bodies a .38 caliber revolver long, with two served cases and four intact cartridges, judicial and police sources reported.

Subsequently, the uniformed officers who carried out the actions at the crime scene carried out a survey of testimonies in the area and determined that Cáceres used to frequent Di Natale’s home and that on several occasions they saw them argue.

Secondly, an 82 year old neighbor reported that yesterday, around 8:30 p.m., when he was returning home heard a loud noise coming from Di Natale’s house and observed through the window a flash that illuminated the interior, for which he was frightened and quickly entered his home, police sources reported.

With the evidence collected at the crime scene, the Investigators did not rule out that it was a femicide followed by suicide.

However, they were waiting for a series of measures to be able to corroborate this hypothesis, such as the ballistic expertise and autopsy operations.

For his part, Emanuel, one of the sons of the woman found dead, told the A24 news channel this afternoon: “We are devastated, we cannot believe it, we are not falling.”

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