iOS 16 lets you track and manage your medications in the Health app.. Here’s how to use it

To use the drug tracker in an app Healthdevice must work iPhone Your iOS 16 or later If you are not sure, you should check your version iOS your iPhone and update your iPhone if necessary.

Businessinsider revealed the new feature of the iOS 16 app that allows tracking and managing a patient’s medications in the Health app on the iPhone, which is as follows:

How to add a new drug to the iPhone Health app

1. Launch the Health app, then tap Browse at the bottom of the screen.

2. In the “Health Categories” section, click Medicines.

3. Click on add medication.

4. On the Add a drug page, search for the drug by name or tap the camera icon and check your drug label.

5. Determine the frequency and time of day for your medication.

6. On the Shape Selection page, you can choose the shape of the pill or container to help you remember the medication associated with this entry. Then choose a color from the color selection page.

7. On the drug summary page, enter any additional details such as the display name you want to use or notes about the drug, press Next (or Skip).

8. On the Medical Interactions page, you can select whether the Health app should warn you about any potential interactions with substances such as alcohol, cannabis, or tobacco. Launch any of them by swiping the buttons to the right, then tap Done.

After you set up your medication and enter its schedule information, you’ll receive notifications when it’s time to take your medication.

You can change the details of any drug at any time Start the Health app and tap Browse Tap Medications, then tap the drug In the Your medications section On your medication detail page, find the section you want to edit like Timeline or medication details – and tap Edit to make changes.

How to record the time you take your medication in the iPhone Health app

You can keep track of your medication schedule by recording your doses in the Health app. You can indicate when you take your medication, or you can record it as skipped if for some reason you don’t take your medication.

1. Launch the Health app and tap on “Browse”.

2. Click on Medicines.

3. On the Medicines page, find the medicine you want to register and tap on it.

4. Click Skipted or Taken as appropriate.

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As my lady previously talked about one of the other favorite new additions in iOS 16 is keyboard Haptics are small vibrations that make some welcome notes when you type, and while they’ve been a mainstay on Android for years, they’re very new to iOS.

You can now get a slight jiggle with every keystroke on the virtual keyboard, as if there’s a ‘joke’ under your fingertip. .

businessinsider revealed how to operate the iPhone touch keyboard

How to operate the iPhone touch keyboard

To take advantage of haptic feedback on the keyboard, your iPhone must be running iOS 16 or later If you don’t see the haptic feedback option, check your iOS version and update your iPhone if necessary Here’s how to turn it on.

1. Launch the Settings app.

2. Click on Sound & Haptics.

3. Scroll down and tap Keyboard Notes.

4. Turn on Haptic by swiping the button to the right.

Now you should feel a slight ‘bump’ every time you tap a key on your touch-enabled keyboard, you may decide that you also don’t need the ‘click’ sound accompanying each keystroke either If that’s the case, you can disable the sound by swiping The button to the left on the keyboard notes page.

If you ever decide you want to turn it off, go back to Sound & Haptics in the Settings app and disable Haptic.

Follow more: How to change your lock screen on iPhone and use all the new wallpaper options in iOS 16

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