Is an ear infection contagious? | Health Magazine

2023-10-27 09:15:34

Otitis is an inflammation or even an infection of the ear. It is more common in children than in adults.

How do you get an ear infection?

The particular anatomy of the ear exposes it to viruses and bacteria that colonize the nose and back of the throat. These germs, responsible for infections, circulate via the Eustachian tube. This explains why the most common ear infections occur after a cold or nasopharyngitis.

The ear is also sensitive to variations in atmospheric pressure. An ear infection can be triggered, for example, during a plane trip or while scuba diving.

The inflammation of the ear can then turn into a real infection with the production of a more or less purulent fluid which puts pressure on the eardrum.

Otitis can affect all three compartments of the ear :

  • the external ear: the pinna and the ear canal up to the eardrum.
  • the middle ear: small air-filled cavities located just behind the eardrum.
  • the inner ear : the auditory nerve and the cochlea.

Otitis: what risk of contagion?

“Otitis becomes contagious from the moment the ear starts to run. The pus contains microbes that can contaminate those around you,” answers Dr Jean-Marc Juvanon, otolaryngologist, member of the board of the French ENT and Face and Neck Surgery Society.

In the absence of effusion, it is not the otitis which is contagious, but the infection which is the cause (cold, nasopharyngitis, etc.)

Why are children more at risk of ear infections?

Due to promiscuity, children easily transmit germs which can, directly or indirectly, be responsible for otitis. Babies in daycare are the most affected, especially since the immune systems of these toddlers are not yet mature and do not sufficiently protect them from infections.

How do you know if it’s an ear infection?

Ear pain is the main symptom of otitis. In babies, it is not difficult to recognize: the child holds his ear, cries a lot, has a fever, does not eat well… If pus flows from the ear, it is very likely that it is an ear infection.

Other symptoms such as hearing loss may appear.

Fever is more common in children than adults.

To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor inserts a small device into the ear canal. This otoscope allows you to see the condition of the eardrum. “In case of otitis, the eardrum appears opaque even though it is normally transparent. In some cases, you can see the liquid through it. Otoscopy also shows that the eardrum has changed shape. Under the pressure of the liquid, it bulges outwards. explains Dr. Juvanon.

It is sometimes necessary to consult an ENT doctor who, using a micro-aspirator, can remove a plug of earwax obstructing the ear canal, or the pus that flows from the ear.

Antibiotic treatment is sometimes necessary. In rarer cases, it is necessary to pierce the eardrum using a lancet (paracentesis) to allow the pus to drain. But an ear infection can also heal spontaneously within a few days.

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