“Is Joe Biden’s Age Affecting His Ability to Rule? Behind the Scenes at the White House”

2023-04-28 15:33:45

The White House rarely puts President Biden in situations that might lead him to improvise. Everything is organized, according to what the American Axios website indicates, which adds that the US administration does not put Biden in confrontation with journalists who may ask difficult and hostile questions.

American opinion polls indicate that all voters, of all age groups, ask the same question: Is Democratic President Joe Biden able to win the presidential election again at the age of nearly 82? Is he able to rule the United States until the age of 86 if he wins?

The issue of Biden’s age has become one of the points of the 2024 election campaign, as some Republican politicians say he may not live long enough to rule the country for a second term. Even Nikki Haley, the Republican nominee, has publicly questioned that.

behind the scenes

The White House rarely puts President Biden in situations that might lead him to improvise. Everything is organized, according to what the American Axios website indicates, which adds that the US administration does not put Biden in confrontation with journalists who may ask difficult and hostile questions.

However, the source reports from those close to Biden that he is in an excellent state of mind. However, a number of them admit that his age has diminished his energy, which greatly limited his agenda and meetings.

And some officials in the White House say that it is difficult to organize individual or group meetings for Biden in the morning, evening, or even during the weekend: knowing that most of his public meetings take place on Saturdays and Sundays between ten in the morning and four in the afternoon.

Biden himself said during a previous press interview that he gets up every day at 7/7:15 and that he works 45 minutes from 8:00 until 9:15. So far, the president has appeared in 2023 only on four occasions before 10 am and about 12 times after 6 pm.

Although Biden spent 12 weekends without any public events in 2023, he made twenty trips, the most difficult, longest and most complex of which he took to Kiev.

“The old-age king”

If Biden’s opponent, Republican Donald Trump, wins the 2024 presidential election, he will have reached 78 days of his inauguration as president in the first week of the following year. Trump will then be a few months older than Biden when he is inaugurated in 2021 for a first term.

Some time ago, some White House aides compared Biden to “the aging king.” He has a tight-knit palace guard of ancient lieutenants whose first instinct is to protect him and not take any chances, according to Axios.

As president of the United States, Biden has not been interviewed by The New York Times, The Washington Post or The Wall Street Journal, breaking with decades of presidential precedent.

#Biden #rule #United #States #age

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