Is your thyroid tired? A tropical fruit could be the key!

2023-12-15 16:22:34

Traditional medicine often offers us simple and natural solutions to improve our well-being. For those suffering from hypothyroidism, an increasingly common condition, especially among women, a tropical fruit could be the answer.

Symptoms of hypothyroidism include feeling cold all the time, unexplained weight gain, persistent fatigue, hair loss, feeling exhausted, irritability, constipation, irregular heartbeat, and irregular menstrual cycles in women.

A recent study conducted in India found that consuming a daily cup of mango could have a beneficial effect on a weakened thyroid. The key to this effect would be the polyphenols present in mango. These compounds would have the ability to act effectively against fatigue and promote restful sleep, with visible results in less than a week.

Beyond these effects on the thyroid, mango offers other medicinal benefits, such as the prevention of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and could even help prevent certain types of cancer. A truly miraculous fruit for our health!

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