It may expose you to a fatal disease..Beware of sitting the wrong way while defecation

04:00 pm

Wednesday 03 August 2022

It may expose you to a fatal disease..Beware of sitting the wrong way while defecation

Books – Syed Metwally

Bowel cancer refers to cancer that begins in the large intestine and depending on where it is, it can be called colon or rectal cancer.

Most people diagnosed with this disease are over the age of 60, and this particular cancer is becoming increasingly common in Western countries.

Extensive cancer risk factors Several studies have found that chronic constipation is a major risk factor for bowel cancer There is also evidence that poor or inappropriate toilet habits can also lead to this cancer Sitting to empty the bowels is more likely to cause constipation and cancer Bowels are more than squatting, according to the timesofindia website.

How is squatting better?

Squatting is a natural position for defecation because it allows gravity to do most of the work.

When you squat, a normal weight puts pressure on the vessel, so there is less need for you to strain. Squatting allows the ileocecal valve – the valve between the small intestine and the large intestine – to close itself naturally. Moreover, the pubis, the muscle attached to the pubic bone, is able to relax better When squatting, all this allows for an easier bowel movement, without much effort.

What happens when you sit down?

Sitting on a toilet seat actually prevents the ileocecal valve from closing properly. This makes it difficult for you to achieve adequate internal bowel pressure to pass stools successfully.

When sitting on the toilet, the pelvic floor muscles used to maintain bladder and bowel control remain constricted. When the pubic muscle isn’t relaxed, you’re straining against it to defecate while sitting.

Other causes of bowel cancer

The exact cause of bowel cancer is unknown, but there are a number of things that can increase your risk. One of those factors is your age. About 9 in 10 people with bowel cancer are 60 or older.

Another risk factor is the foods you eat. A diet rich in red or processed meat and low in fiber can increase your risk.

If you’re overweight or obese, you may be more likely to develop bowel cancer, and the same goes for people who remain physically inactive.

Drinking alcohol and smoking can also increase the risk of bowel cancer.

A family history of bowel cancer can put you at greater risk of developing the disease.

How to prevent bowel cancer?

There are many things you can do to make sure you have a healthy gut to avoid constipation.

Follow a healthy diet with home-cooked meals, and avoid high-fat fast food and processed foods.

Include high-fiber fruits and vegetables in your daily diet, along with drinking plenty of water each day.

Eating a fruit like kiwi can help facilitate regular bowel movement.

Regular exercise may also help stimulate gut transit time.

In some previous studies, researchers found evidence that runners have fewer tumors than non-runners.

Bowel cancer symptoms

When bowel cancer develops, changes in bowel movements are one of the first symptoms a patient notices.

More than 90 percent of bowel cancer patients have changes in their bowel movements. Continuous changes in bowel habits can include defecation often, and your stools may also become more runny.

Constant pain in the lower abdomen, bloating, or discomfort that is always caused by eating may be a sign of bowel cancer.

This may be accompanied by a loss of appetite or unintended significant weight loss.

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