Ivan Barzikov does not want to be a “pass ticket” to the House 2 project for girls

2023-11-11 10:04:03

Experienced participant Ivan Barzikov, who never developed a relationship with Elvira Gokh, honestly admits that he does not want to be a “passing ticket” to the TV set for new participants.

“They come to show themselves, sing songs and get on television,” Vanya assures his TV show colleague Tigran Salibekov.

As if someone else goes to House 2 in search of love, and not for popularity? And are Barzikov’s own flirting techniques with girls, who taught Elya how to ride a unicycle, any different from his attempts to court Ekaterina Skalon?

Is this the reason why the majority of House 2 participants voted against Elvira Goh, although she was left on the project? And is Barzikov closer to Kristina Bukhynblata, with whom he has an open relationship, than to new beauties, for whom he needs to come up with something and make some efforts?

#Ivan #Barzikov #pass #ticket #House #project #girls

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