Jackson does not rule out decreeing the State of Exception again in La Araucanía: “All the ideas that have been put on the table are still options”

The Minister Secretary General of the Presidency (Segpres), Giorgio Jacksonaddressed this Sunday the processing of the Intermediate State project that seeks to provide protection and security on the different routes of the country due to the latest acts of violence in the southern Macrozone.

Thus, after a meeting with the direct table of the Constitutional Convention on the occasion of the delivery of inputs from the Executive for the discussion of the transitory norms, the Secretary of State said about the initiative that from the government “we are trying to comprehensively address the phenomena of insecurity that are affecting the population today and that obviously does not require just one action”.

He went on to explain that “just as the Undersecretary of the Interior, Manuel Monsalve, said yesterday, the commitments that the Executive took in conversation with those who work in the transport sector and as contractors will be fulfilled and that will have a public expression, that is, the path of How are the different matters related to security going to be addressed when we have more consensus, more security, what is the route on which we are going to travel, that is why a little more time has been requested ”.

“We are ordering the different proposals that, I insist, go comprehensively in addressing the different matters that concern Chileans. We want to make announcements that contain that comprehensiveness is that we have requested a couple of additional days, but we will not shirk our responsibilityJackson stressed.

Asked if there is a consensus within the ruling parties to support the project, he stated that “what there is consensus is that there is a problem on which we cannot have inactionthat is, action must be taken in that range of stock options today we are not ruling out any of the options that have been on the tablethat is why once we have the announcement from the Ministry of the Interior sIt means that we have already consolidated a large part of the unity of action that is required to advance in this matter.”.

It was thus that they asked him about the possibility of returning to the State of Exception in the southern zone, in this regard the minister did not rule it out: “I insist, all the ideas that have been put on the table are still options, but we are trying to gather the greatest support for the actions that the government is going to take to guarantee security. “.

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